Q: What did you enjoy about the filming of My Girl?
I enjoyed every moment spent with Masaki nii-nii, such as riding on the bicycle together with him.
She has always enjoyed filming for My Girl. For example on days when there is no filming, she would ask eagerly “When are we filming? When are we filming?” or “How many more nights must I sleep before I can go film?”
Even if she has to wake at 4am, Koharu would snap awake, change out of her pjs herself, and be ready with a “Let’s go!” within moments of you telling her “Masaki nii-nii is onsite waiting for you.” But she is amazingly bad at getting up for school.* laughs*
Q: Do you like your character’s father?
I like him very much!
Q: What do you like about him?
Q: Would you want to be his girlfriend in real life?
Q: Would you want to marry him in the future?
Q: Is it to Aiba Masaki or to Masamune that you would like to get married to?
Masaki nii-nii.
Q: And you are ok with the age gap?
Q: The earlier question seems random doesn’t it? * laugh* Well then, what do you like about Masaki nii-nii?
Un… He is cool and kind.
She likes Aiba Masaki so much to the point that it makes me wonder if she has ever liked someone as much as him. There isn’t a day that goes by without her talking about him. Should Aiba appear on television she would go “this is being recorded right?” while remaining riveted to the screen.
While watching taped episodes, she would playback scenes with her in it and request to “lets pause for a while at Masaki nii-nii.”
Q: Is it difficult memorizing your script?
humph.. … It’s alright.
To Momoka, My Girl = Masaki nii-nii. And so not once has she shown any signs of displeasure in having to memorise her script.
Regardless of how tired out by school she is, she would definitely say “Yes!” if I asked her if she wanted to practice her script.
Once, she wasn’t feeling well and since it was a day where she didn’t have to go for filming, I suggested “shall we take a break from practice?” She turned that suggestion down and reasoned that there were others, such as Masaki nii-nii and the crew, who were having a harder time she was. And this is coming from a girl who usually takes things easy. She once said that she wants to do things that please Aiba. Spoken just like the perfect housewife. *laughs*
Q: There was a scene where you had to climb a huge tree and have a conversation with Aiba using a string telephone. Werent u scared at all?
It was just a little scary but Masaki nii-nii was there to catch me when I climbed down the tree so I was really happy.
Q: You are always with Aiba, spending free time in between takes with him as well, what sort of conversation do you have with him?
Koharu :
Stuff like my school’s spors meet. We sing together as well.
She would sing the My Girl OST repeatedly until she could remember it, and now she can sing it perfectly from memory.
Q: Wont it be great if filming could carry on forever?
She has never experienced such a long ongoing project and so she is not aware that eventually this would have to come to an end.
She would go “My Girl will carry on forever right” or “This would be made into a movie right?”
She thinks that she will always be able to see Aiba.
I’m pretty worried over what would happen when its time to crank up.
Q: This has to be her first love.
Yes I do believe so.
In the interview with Aiba Masaki: (Part 1/2)
Q: What were your thoughts when you first read the script for My Girl?
A: Humph… (after careful contemplation) I feel that for a 24 year old young adult, he is someone who wears his heart on his sleeves.
To suddenly know of the existence of his daughter.. he must have been incredibly confused, lost and torn over what needs to be done. And I want to be able to express and communicate these changes that he goes through to the audience, right down to the smallest aspect.
Q: What do you think about your character exclusively committing himself to one woman for 6 continuous years?
A: To be able to constantly have only that one girl in your mind isn’t something that you would normally witness around you.
I admire Masamune for being able to persevere in embracing memories of Youko.
And I also feel that Masamune’s wholehearted commitment to Youko as well as this relationship that he has with the woman who was responsible for drawing out this sense of commitment in him is incredible.
I feel that Youko is someone with great charm and if it wasn’t for Youko, perhaps he would not have remained so loyal for 6 years.
Q: Which aspects of Youko do you think Masamune was drawn to?
A: I feel that Youko is someone who makes up for what Masamune lacks in many ways. For one thing, Masamune is definitely not as cheerful as Youko is and if I had to describe him in one word it would be “bland”.
And perhaps such a boring Masamune looks towards Youko for her cheerfulness, her strengths, her capabilities and her courage?
Q: Well then, what do you think of your character Masamune? Indeed, he is surrounded by other amazing characters, so what is it that is charming about him?
A: It would definitely have to be his pure, childlike and gentle nature. With him, there is no need to read between the lines. That and the fact that he goes all out in everything he does.
Q: We have heard from your co-stars and the crew of My Girl that you are perfect for your role and that they simply cannot imagine another person as Masamune. What are your thoughts on these?
A: Humph.. I wonder.. Marakami has said the same things to me and this feels just like that time.
My character Masamune and I are just separated by the element of time. If you were to say that we are similar, we do have our similarities, if you were to say that we are different, we do have our differences.
Q: Does that mean that there are significant similarities that Masasume have with you?
A: Perhaps there are. Truth by told, I have not put much thought into how similar I am to Masamune. And this isn’t something that I can fully comprehend as well. But I am very pleased to hear you say that there are similarities between us.
I can only say that I have done my best and rather than say that I will do even better, I will say that I will see this through to the very end.
Q: What are your thoughts about acting as a father in his 20s?
A: I did not go out of the way to specifically create a certain way to portray my character’s father role.
Within the drama, Masamune is someone who is trying to make it as a father. To do this drama just the way that I am now, or perhaps I should say I would like to naturally grow and develop into my role as a father just like Masamune did in the flow of events he had to face. It was in the second half of the drama where I had thoughts of wanting to be a good father.
Q: What were the discoveries, enjoyment or challenges that you faced while working with Koharu’s character?
A: It was fun. I did not face any difficulty working with her. There were times when I would expand beyond what was scripted and she would ad lib and respond appropriately to my character’s words. I find her to be a very talented child.
Q: You guys get along really well even outside of character and Momoka seems to be really attached to you.
In the drama, Koharu is someone who really likes her father. And so I really glad that we are able to genuinely enjoy such closeness even in real life.
Q: Was this closeness in relationship something that you planned for from the start?
A: No this was really unexpected. But in between takes, it has become a natural thing for her to come and sit beside me. It wasn’t triggered by anything in particular. Rather, it was something that occurred spontaneously.
Q: You seem to be able to deal effortlessly with children.
A: Nah, its nothing, it’s just my way of getting along with children. Speaking to children is something that occupies a corner of my mind. Basically, I would converse with children in the same manner I would with any other person without any deliberate care, in my normal manner.
(Part 2 will be uploaded when my back stops hurting )