May 31, 2013 01:16
I have been to church around 3 times in the last 4 or 5 years I think? The most recent time was on this past Sunday. I went because my dad asked me to be there to celebrate my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. I actually listened to what the priest was saying this time, and the things that changed since I was little. (I am sure some of these things had changed already when I went to church the last two times, but they were funerals and I was more trying not to cry than pay attention to what was being said.) This time two things stood out to me about Mass.
1. The way I remember it: "...which shall be given up for you and for all."
The way it was on Sunday: "...which shall be given up for you and for many." The priest actually started to say all here and caught himself, so I think that maybe this is a newer changes.
2. The way I remember it: "...he suffered, died, and was buried."
The way it was on Sunday: "...he suffered death and was buried."
The first one made me sad that the church is so exclusionary. The second one made me mad because death is not something to be suffered. Especially in this context, death is not something bad. Here Jesus was suffering and in lots of pain and then when he died he got to go be with his father again. In my experience (with losing relatives) death is always a freeing of pain, not something to be suffered.
I guess this is one of the many reasons I am no longer Catholic, or any religion, and have not been for a very long time.