Feb 21, 2005 17:56
Yea, school is soo uber gay up i canny believe! But SNOW is GOOOD, except when it just gets annoying. Im listenin 2 zero 7 who i love up at the mo. Shit, gd memories of their song 'somersault' when me n matthew n cal got barities lean in cals tree house. We just sat ther propa hotboxin it n just gettin well mellow. Then we went in and watched the shitest TV eva! OOoo, I like changing colour, this is all Vikki's (Tori o-b-v-i-o-u-s-l-y is her REAL name just like mine is Bear) fault yer cos she just dus it way 2 much. Anyway, Saturday party was proper funny. Actually the bestest bit was back at Luka and Matteo's cos we just got fooked. Luka had this keg of Stella he'd got from the airport on the way back from Holland tour, nd he like was all pulin pints 4 us. It was like bein in a bar. And then we just have to have sum shots 2 go wiv and I fink it was Luka who was like lets flame them! and we wer al like yer, feelin al cool n hard but it like totally didnt work 4 aaagges until oh yer, i did it. good fukin shit btw. I was such a boy. Then me n matthew billed a couple of joints and Matteo got out sum wine which he'd bn goin on aboot 4 loongtime. N we just went out in the jardin and drank and blazed and it was heavy shit. Shit, i was just soo rocked, bt u kno wen u just keep on drinking and blazin even tho uv had far 2 much and evrythin is just 'keraazy pavin'. Yea, then we just went in and watched sum sterange porn that i wasnt allowed 2 c and luka and matteo hav italian sky which is so funy cos its sum like american show and thers iti subs. Hmmmm, yer well, life is oh so strange atm, i duno wots gwan on....