(no subject)

May 10, 2008 19:39

 I've been too lazy to update this for ages largely because I've been tired and stressed but I feel I really should come tell you all that I have news!

I'll do the bad and then the good.

Bad news: I have a broken toe. The baby toe on my left foot. And it's AGONY. I broke it over a week ago now and it's still swolen. The worst bit is there's nothing they can do for it so I just need to be a soldier. Though I did go to Primark and buy a pair of shoes a size too big to accommdate for the swelling which has helped. Ouchies.

Now the good news! Or, I should proabably call it the super exciting great news!
Some of you will remember how stressed I was getting a while back, and how dissatisfied I was with my life (All work and no play makes Clare a dull girl. And by dull I mean stressed, upset and stretched tot he limit) and I decided the best way to combat it was take back some time for me. I decided to start getting back into acting as it was always my go to fun thing growing up and I kind of gave up on it over the past few years. So long story short I now have an agent and I'm gonna be on a new series on BBC3! It's called "How not to live your life" starring the comedian Dan Clark who Mighty Boosh fans will know as Johnny Two Hats. I play the non speaking (But essential!!!!) role of Office Worker. I can be seen buzzing about the office throughout a few scenes but for my great screen debut (haha) I have a scene with Dan. I'm in a dream sequence with him where I basically had to respond with different degrees of schock and offense as he does a variety of inappropriate comedy things.

I know, it's not much. But it's a start. And I'm VERY excited.

I've been keeping up with the flist and I wish you all well. It seems to be a bit of an exciting time for everyone at the moment. There's so much going on! Good luck with it all everyone!

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