X-Men Evolution Jean Grey/Angel Fanfic The Lost Mountain Chapter 17

Nov 04, 2009 22:07

The Lost Mountain, Chapter 17 - Mount Verloren
by Claremonty Rated T (13+)

X-Men Evolution, Post-Apocalypse Continuation, Action/Adventure/Romance, Jean Grey/Warren Worthington III (Angel). Also featuring Logan (Wolverine), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Professor X, Beast, Rogue and others...

Josh was puzzled. “Mount Verloren... Verloren means ‘lost,’ doesn’t it? Warren, what do you want with a ‘lost’ mountain?”

DISCLAIMER: I do not own X-Men or X-Men Evolution. Marvel owns these properties and all the X-Men characters.

x-men, phoenix, x-men evolution, jean grey, romance, angel, warren worthington, fanfic

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