Jul 12, 2004 21:43
im like excited,and like super happy and just like genereally overloaded with joy right now that im practicly speechless so ill do my best to explaine my day
well last night i got litereally 2 hours of sleep woke up drank coffe good coffe... gotready well i got ready then drank coffee whatever though.... went to school i as the most awake at school ive ever been it was amazing and rather ironic but oh well... umm yea then the village crew as i shall now call them we all went to you guessed it the village that was fun then my good buddie jamie rolled on down the village crew had to go to csta so we took them over there then me and jamie chilled at his house and watched blue coller comedy tour if you havent seen this... RENT IT funnies thing well maybe not THE funniest but its pretty damn funny lol um yea then we went to my house finished watching shade he only saw half of it before so we finished watchingt hat then i tought him how to play pocker because he needed to learn for when i have the pocker night (the pocker night is just guna happen i seriusly want to have a pocker night...and NO i wont cheet i promise )umm ok oh then he left i finally got to walgreens to buy these certain cards ive been wanting and they sooooo rock any how got dinner with me madre came home got ready for the citp which was so compleatly awesome i asked out my special some one she said yes and yea its just rockin awesomeness and then i was suposed to go do stuff afterwords with my friends but they where kinda lame and were like no... im going home... so yea now im sitting here typing this i think the only thing i can talk about is just about what happend today its been a verry good day and i guess thats all i have to say i wish i was like a song write because i could seriusly write an awesome song right now but im not guna cus im a magician and not a song writer... so ill stick with my day job lol ok im done love all and everything!!!