Weddingish stuff, and trip

Jun 19, 2006 10:21

the first family vacation that did nto involve going to a relatives house in 11 years. go us!

We have done trip type thing since then but it is always going to a meeting or to see some random relative. adn oh yeah when miteman wne to england with kingwamba years ago.

Red eye flight s while cheaper officially suck! i will try not to do that to us again. although nymph and miteman definately took it in stride. Momma was nice enough to take us to the airport, albiet unfed and hours and hours early. but than gain beggars can't be choosers. The pretty bush airport is dead on a sat night at like 5 pm. we had to terminal hop to find food and then it was only an over packed unorganized McDonalds. Nymph was thrilled.

The flight was not too bad we were seprated the first flight and together the second. Nymph and I had bulkhead seats. excellent space wise. Nymph read most of 3 chapter of Junie B Jones the boss of lunch to me. she is really getting good at this reading stuff. I got to see about as much of Las Vegas as I care to. ie lights for the plane, which are really scary by the way. miteman got stuck but an obnoxious guy for the stretch into vegas. the second leg we were all together and nymph and i slept.

more later. back to secretary stuff
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