I will hopefully keep this concise but it probably won't end up like that, as I've not been blogging in ages!!! Like since last year!!! *Arrgh*
Well welcome 2012 for beginners, it's been a mixed bag so far, have actually gone down South to Norfolk and completed my first commission- like seriously it's not even been a year from my first Exhibition and I'm getting work.... Hopefully only good things will come from this. I'm planning another Exhibition Surrealist-shaped around August/September (as nice as it would be to have a festival exhibition I kinda have my doubts but hopefully will book a suitable venue start to mid-February; should be in a chance).
To save me messing about with adding tonnes of photos with hardly any room to discribe my actions and opinions I'll link to my Deviant Art, so you may see the fully painted Pizza Oven.
http://mousette.deviantart.com/ The Guest House is called Chalk and Cheese and is based in the west of norfolk, it's a lovely quirky place not disimilar to the style and aesthetics of The Roseleaf in Edinburgh. I got the commission through going on holiday last May and staying over, Andrew and Bridget who own Chalk and Cheese are family friends- Andrew happens to be my mum's best friends brother. They are both lovely, charming and a little wacky like their abode would suggest.
Their website:
http://www.bed-and-breakfast-west-norfolk.co.uk/ To add, Chalk and cheese isn't just a Guest House! There is also a shop and gallery in the making, and a pub as part of the Guest House.
My christmas was OK, Berlin and Vienna out-did it really, New Years was also good as I spent it with the Black-Clads of Edinburgh in The Auld Hoose- that was lovely seeing friends who I made throughout 2011 and meeting new ones for 2012. :)
On a down side I thought I'd get my PVC corset my now but DHL were bastards!!! *Note Facebook post. Arrgh! Which is noteable the only really bad things this month, but it's also really bad having to sort out how to reclaim the money. £62!!!! May I growl more!?
Last note is my birthday on the 28th, will end up being rather simple as I really haven't had the time to book anything really. So will end up being drinks with a couple of friends- Nothing stressful. ^_^
So that's the bulk of it until further notice.