Alright, so I just saw the "lost" episode of Dollhouse. It's very good. My thoughts behind the cut. DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU'VE SEEN EPITAPH ONE!! I mean it Kasey!
First thing that struck me was that for an episode focused completely on guest stars and new characters, I loved it. It revealed a whole lot about the world of the Dollhouse, and exactly what the technology could do, and why it is so feared. I think Felicia Day was a perfect choice for the leading guest star, as she has a kind of tough vulnerablity that works well for someone in that post-apocalyptic world of the future that we find ourselves thrown into when the episode starts. I really hope that there are more Epitaph episodes to come, as I truely do want to find out if they reach Safe Haven.
Whiskey just about broke my heart, to see Saunders so afraid of her own truth that she would rather stay in the shell of the Dollhouse was utterly heartbreaking. And then she sacrifices herself so that the others can reach their goal. It makes me wonder if she was programmed to do that, and the remnants of her imprint were asserting themselves.
Topher, oh god Topher. He is my absolute favorite character on the show, just so everyone knows. He already walks the fine line between genius and madness, and I don't think he's nearly as morally gray as some would like to believe, seeing him completely break down, possibly because of guilt, is enough to make me cry. And Fran Kranz is an amazing actor, as I'm sure I've stated before. I want them to use him more for the serious stuff, I like him as comic relief but he can be so much more. I think Topher is fairly tragic in his own way, just as lost and broken as anyone involved in the dollhouse, he just hides it.
DeWitt caring for Topher was gorgeous, I think that DeWitt kind of sees herself almost as a mother figure to the rest of the people there, and when faced with the crisis that brought about basically the end of the world, that's the side of her that came across. I think DeWitt is such a strong character, but I love some of the vulnerablity that I see in her at times. I wonder if Caroline killed her and the others or not.
Am I the only one who thought it was weird that Alpha, crazy, psychopathic Alpha, is the one that they have to thank for Safe Haven? Isn't Alpha the bad guy? Then again, that would make the Dollhouse the good guys, which they aren't.
All in all the show answered so many questions and brought up more that I can't wait to see dealt with. I want to see Rossum bringing about the slow decline of the human race now, I want to see Caroline and Ballard perhaps bring about a change in the course of history. I cannot wait to see what Whedon and the rest of the cast and crew do for season 2 now.
I didn't think a filler episode mostly driven by guest stars would have me so psyched for the next season! That's a real testiment to the strength of the world of the show.
Soon I'll probably do a geeky write up on Torchwood: Children of Earth, but right now I'm recovering from the sheer emotional pain it caused me.