Keep God Out of my Genre Fic, PLZ

Jun 25, 2009 22:13

Well, I should have known this existed, what with the recent lovefest everyone is having with Friendly Neighborhood Vampires. There is now a full-fledged Christian Vampire Novel. I'm not talking vaguely Christian undertones here, I'm talking teach the kiddies about Jesus vampires here. As in the end is neigh and this needs to be stopped. According to one reviewer on "I was suspicious, but Ms. Dent has successfully blended the creatures of horror stories with sound Biblical principles. It teaches about faith and love without being preachy." I'm sorry, amazon reviewer, but anything involving Biblical principles and a vampire romance is TOO FUCKING PREACHY.

I'm not fucking with you here, this needs to be stopped on so many levels. As if it's not bad enough that faith-heads are co-opting secular music, now their hiding their religious retoric as genre fiction? Fuck that shit man, I don't want to be afraid to pick up a new vampire novel in case it might be another attempt at preaching.

How's about this, I won't fuck with you in your church (unless you're performing a gay exorcism then I'm going to point out how stupid and bigoted you are), you don't fuck with my genre novels, okay?

That goes for you too, Anne Rice, fucking traitor.

random geekishness, weird shite, you can't make this shit up

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