[Monthly Challenge] May: Mythology (repost)

May 09, 2015 17:55

Originally posted by kwritten at [Monthly Challenge] May: Mythology
Yay May is upon us! *throws confetti*

You know the drill, Authors are required to write 1,000 words for the monthly challenge, artists can interpret this challenge however it meets their needs.

April's Prompt:

Due Date: Sunday, 31st of May

Signing Up: either comment on this LJ post OR send us an ask via tumblr to confirm your participation. Please indicate in your signup whether you intend to work as an author or artist::

[ ] sign up as author (write 1,000 words for this month's theme)
[ ] sign up as artist (draw/manip/fanmix/etc your own thing for this month's theme)
[ ] Rollover! Draw/manip/fanmix/etc a thing for something written for a previous month!
[ ] Rollover! Reverse-bang by making fic of a drawing/manip/fanmix/etc done for a previous month!
[ ] Podfic for either something written for a previous month's challenge, or for something new that fits this month's challenge

Submitting the Fic: Do this either by sending us a link on tumblr, LiveJournal, OR submitting it to the AO3 collection AND tagging it Femslash Big Bang Monthly Challenge.

Posting On:
Original: (if doing a rollover, please link to the original piece here)

Kels says: Tomorrow I will be gathering up all the fic from April's challenge and making a master post so that we can celebrate everyone who made it! So if you haven't sent a note to the tumblr or lj yet about a finished piece - please do so today!!

reference, repost

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