haiku shit

Jun 25, 2015 20:53

Providence / Renew Your Vows / Shades of Gray / Raisin in the Sun / Ghostly Visitors / In the Ballpark / Broken Down / Super Glue / Layered Cake / Ran out of Time / To be a Man / On Hard Times / WILD CARD (writer's choice) / Spilled Milk / Ruined Forever / Love at First Sight / Testing the Limits / Restart My Heart / Snow White, Rose Red / Heavy Duty / Waking Dreams / Just a Kiss / Horrors of the Night / Literally / Speechless

[ran out of time]
My blood runs cold as
my heart of Snow, but I leave
fire in my wake.

[restart my heart]
If it is not in
battle that I die, I have
not yet died at all.

[waking dreams]
Perhaps this life is
naught but a nightmare that will
never end in me.

[horrors of the night]
fucking hell, sweet sleep
why do you elude me so?
please fucking stop it.

if I shall scream for
justice, dear Stranger, please let
it be my own voice.

[shades of grey]
there are many worlds
within this one where I live;
none of them are mine.

[ghostly visitors]
our castle is filled
with the ghosts of the
lives we had before.

[to be a man]
broken, beaten down,
and bent: who do I think I
am? I am a prince.

he looks me in the
eyes, says I am nobody.
wrong: I am no one.

[just a kiss]
just a kiss, I tell
myself, and I survive as
I begin to bleed.

what has been done is
unspeakable - that is why
I must never speak.

[testing the limits]
what has been done to
me is unspeakable, but
I will survive it.

[heavy duty]
I can see myself,
alive and well and fighting,
howling with the wolves.

[renew your vows]
noble house, house of
fallen glory, I am yours.
I shall boast my name.

[raisin in the sun]
there is the sun and
there are dragons. both will burn
you no matter what.

[in the ballpark]
the girl they want has
not been me for a long time.
they may have her yet.

[broken down]
Stitched together of
broken pieces and tears, I
know myself too well.

[super glue]
they may break my heart
and rip my dress, but they will
not take me apart.

[layered cake]
lemon and sugar
bitter against bloodied lips
I used to love sweets.

[on hard times]
we crash into the
snowdrift and live a life worse
than what we have known.

[wild card]
no one knows who or
where I am. I am No One,
watching from afar.

[spilled milk]
my world is ending,
but I do not cry. there are
less important things.

[ruined forever]
He has taken me
and bedded me, yet my heart
can never be his.

[love at first sight]
I should have stayed with
he who loved me when
I did not know love.

[Snow White, Rose Red]
the blood of Snow stains
snow with its Stark hue. Today,
the North remembers.

poetry, writerverse, reference

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