
Sep 21, 2005 20:19

ok, so talk about weird, strange, and idiotic, on my way to my evening TA session for one of my classes, i was crossing the road where the road becomes the Warren parking lot. there is an arrest-me-red sports car coming up the hill, but he is stopped at the crosswalk down a ways. so i cross the road. well, i get half way across, and this car is gunning it up to me. so, i am by this point afraid that he is trying to hit me. i finish crossing the road fast. the idiot then slows down on a dime right before the spot that i would have been, had i not hurried. then he made eye-contact with me, and he had an expression saying, "i'm just flirting with you. didn't you like my trick? ;-)" what a jerk!


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