gah -- with big smiles, though, so it's all good!!

May 06, 2007 22:53

so, apparently i have 4/3'rds of puka papers to write, plus one (very) rough draft, all due tuesday. going to go to sleep now. with any luck i can get up when the sun wakes me, do some writing, do some running, do some writing, turn in rough draft a day early, do some more writing, cook a little, eat, write, sleep, write, run, write, hand in puka papers, write, eat & rest & shop, sleep, write, run?, write, eat, write, sleep, write, run, write, eat, write, sleep, take derbys to travel station (either train or plane, don't remember right now), write, run, write, eat, write, sleep, write, hand in ecopy of thesis, get depressed that everyone left while i was in thesis mode and i couldn't say good bye to anyone, cry a bit, be emotional, sing, cry, (an infusion of massive hugs at this point would be really, really, really, really nice here. hint hint), eat, sleep, church, pick up derby's from travel station?, stress because i don't know how i'm going to get thesis printed and bound by monday noontime.

as mastercard would say, priceless.

oh, right. at some point in that litany of time after tuesday, i'd like to go stargazing. that'd be nice. havn't got the sleeping bags, though. i'd need warning of when so i can arrange w/ 'rents drop-off of the goods.


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