Something that has me wondering...

Jan 04, 2010 19:19

I have been following Spock/Uhura fanfics on several sites and something has me scratching my head and saying "huh?" If a fanfic is Uhura/Spock I always figured that these two characters would be the focus of the story. The majority of the story content would be about these two. The writing may be about one more than the other but they would be the protagonists even if they are not a couple.

I have noticed a number of stories that are about Spock and OC but is Uhura written in as a second or third tier character. A mention here or there but basically her role could be filled by anyone, including another OC.

My question is does this make it an Spock/Uhura fic? Should it be posted as a Spock/uhura fic or a as Spock/OOC or simply a Spock fic?

I also read fics that feature either of these characters with others; ie Uhura/Kirk, Uhura/McCoy, Uhura/OC or Spock/OC and I've read some kick-ass Spock/Kirk stories too. The last one surprised me cause I've have never read any slash fic before but there are some awesome writers out here and they get the job done without trashing Uhura. There is one writer on that writes Spock/OC fics that are amazing and again this writer does it without trashing Uhura. I read everything this person writes because they don't mislead the reader by posting it as a Spock/Uhura fic if it isn't one. I am also really digging the Triad right now. ( To shippers that's Kirk/Uhura/Spock for those that aren't familiar with the term.)So I'm open to good writing.

My problem is with writers that post Spock/OC fics as Spock/Uhura fics and justify it by saying Uhura is in the story, even is she's only mentioned a few times. I don't know, but to me that seems misleading. I strongly defend any writers choice to write what they feel. I'm just asking that it not be posted as a Spock/Uhura fic if it's not one. You know what I mean? When I read a story listed as a Spock/Uhura or vice versa fic that's what I expect to get. Otherwise I'll skip it if Spock/Uhura is what I’m in the mood to read. I get that listing the story as Spock/Uhura or posting it on a Spock/Uhura site will probably get the story more views and reviews but I simply do not like being mislead.

I welcome any and all comments whether you agree or not. I may get a different POV that sheds some light on this subject.
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