Beat 'em up in the classroom so they won't beat each other up outside it!

Jun 15, 2007 14:32

Tony Abbott is a fucking moron.

Let's take an isolated case of two school kids viciously attacking another school kid. Let's then say, "You know what would fix this sad state of affairs?! CORPORAL PUNISHMENT!"

His leap of logic astounds me.

Yes, I agree that there should be more discipline in schools and that students should be held accountable for their actions. However, I really doubt that beating a kid over the palm or the arse with a cane is going to solve this.

I really do wonder how much of this sort of behaviour was kept under wraps in "the good old days." I remember hearing stories from a reverend at my old school about how he and his Anglican mates used to routinely seek out and start bloody fist fights with Catholic kids. And bullying was certainly not a rare thing when Mr. Abbott was in school.

Earth to Abbott: there were cunts in your time too. You were (and still are) one of them.

the good ol' days, the stupid burns, students, politics

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