KWC Quiz

Dec 24, 2015 14:21

Usual rules, here we go!

1 During 1915:

1 who developed an innovative equine?
Triumph? (Type H)

2 what oversized delivery brought joy to Dolly and Marty?
Frank Sinatra

3 whose work was also recognised by Barnard and Matteucci?
William Bragg

4 which two spies in the cigar business faced the firing squad on the same morning?
Haicke Janssen and Willem Roos

5 whose determination to have no hatred or bitterness for anyone would be later set in stone?
Edith Cavell

6 which eponymous vessel met its Waterloo at the hands of an adversary, which had been an ally 100 years earlier?
SMS Blucher

7 where did the British deployment of Red Star backfire owing to inclement weather?
Battle of Loos

8 what yarn revealed the murderous activities of the Black Stone?
The 39 Steps (white_hart)

9 which former MO to the Pennywell Colliery passed away?
WG Grace (legionseagle)

10 from what disaster did PL 11 rescue the first survivors?

2 (This is Dorothy L Sayers)

1 Who took prizes with canaries?
Sir Impey Mann

2 Who was the victim of a cactus booby-trap?

3 Who provided details of cadaveric rigidity from his copy of Dixon Mann?

4 Which product of the Royal Free was thought to have administered air emboli?
Mary Whittaker

5 Who lost his gold pince-nez in a stranger’s astrakhan collar during the rush-hour at Victoria?
Thomas Crimplesham

6 Who was one of the most exclusive hairdressers in the West End who produced an ivory-handled razor that travelled via Stamford?

7 Which air pilot, carrying vital evidence from New York, came down near Whitehaven?
Air Pilot Grant

8 Which Boer war veteran died from arsenic poisoning on 10 November?
General Fentiman

9 Who died as a result of acoustic bombardment by Batty Thomas et al?

10 Who was saved by a dog-collar?
Harriet Vane


1 Who was returned for Condaford in the general election?
Eustace Dornford, the Forsyte Saga

2 In what election were 45 green umbrellas used to influence voters?

3 In which constituency was Mr Browborough’s election reversed due to bribery?
Tankerville - Phineas Redux (coughingbear)

4 In which West Indian constituency was the election “sweetness done and turning sour”?

5 Which crusader’s ultimate election was so prolonged that electors were threatened with starvation?

6 Who won the election, having engineered the demise of the four favourites, and then chose self-cremation?

7 Which MP for Aylesbury was expelled, but later headed the poll when he stood for Middlesex?

8 Who spoke in support of the Liberal candidate in Brattleburn, a Tory stronghold?

9 Whose supposedly forged red letter led to the government’s electoral defeat?
Zinoviev (white_hart)

10 Whose election was declared by Albert Theophylus Despard-Smith?

4 (I think this is all Kent)

1 Where was the Tide Waiter based?

2 Where was £53m inappropriately acquired?

3 Where did the blinded Gloucester attempt suicide?

4 Where did Simpkinson lose his fiddle-patterned table spoons?

5 Where is the circulation of blood nominally remembered in a hospital setting?

6 Where, according to Lucy’s elder cousin and chaperone, were we all hopelessly behind the times?
Tunbridge Wells (me and slemslempike)

7 Where does a 20 second cycle operate from an octagonal tower?
North Foreland Lighthouse (happydisciple)

8 Where does the bell-tower resemble a three-tiered tepee?
Brookland (fanf)

9 What did Bradshaw liken to the victim of Vesuvius?

10 Where is the home of the episcopal digit?

5 Circular buildings

1 What was built as a wayfarers’ chapel on the Via Devana?
Holy Sepulchure, Cambridge

2 What has occupied a site in Sheep Street for over 900 years?
Holy Sepulchure, Northampton

3 Which concert venue originally housed a turntable of the LNWR?
Camden Roundhouse

4 Where does a circular tour reveal numerous examples of Jurassic geology?
Weymouth (gominokouhai)

5 Which building is based on the plans of Mario Asprucci, commissioned by the Bishop of Derry?
Ickworth House (gominokouhai)

6 Which edifice, formerly housing a Science Library, owed its building to an Old Savilian physician’s bequest?
Radcliffe Camera (legionseagle)

7 Where did midwifery give way, through a Gate, to a diplomatic film venue?

8 In which little village did the Knights of St John build their church?
Rosslyn (gominokouhai)

9 Where did Campbell create a copy of the Villa Almerico Capra?

10 Where did Rienzi initiate an annual festival 120 years ago?


1 Which line is left where for buns?

2 Where did the express train draw up unwontedly?
Adlestrop (el_staplador)

3 On what railroad do livestock pass free through the toll gate?
The Rock Island line (el_staplador)

4 To what do the words “Jamme, jamme, ’ncoppa, jamme jà” apply?
Vesuvius funicular railway (pjie2)

5 Where did the convict and the boy with violin go on till the train came in?
The railway station, Upwey (el_staplador)

6 Whence the goods, delaying the eight o’clock excursion train for an hour (or more)?

7 What station was the Catalan surrealist’s “Centre of the Universe”?

8 Where, in reality, did Celia and Trevor enjoy a short relationship?
Carnforth (kotturinn)

9 Where was the Normandy train’s arrival depicted?

10 Where did Nordens Strauss locate his gallop?
Copenhagen Steam Railway; Lumbye (kotturinn)

7 (canines)

1 What is St Antony’s sister?
Wolfson College, Cambridge

2 Where might Beetle Drives be particularly popular?

3 What enquiry elicited the reply “I am George, I am”?
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf (gominokouhai)

4 What has an almost unique tolerance of a diterpene-rich diet?

5 Which named canid may be observed by the congregation at Kirk Andreas?

6 Who confronted Lungri at the cave mouth, claiming possession of the man’s cub?
Raksha (pjie2)

7 Who described a silent nocturnal interment on a Galician rampart?
Charles Wolfe (me and el_staplador)

8 What was, in 1972, uniquely surmounted by a helipad?
Wolf Rock Lighthouse

9 The death of which hero is remembered in Matlock?
General James Wolfe

10 Which establishmecvnt dominates the Mittelhaardt?

8 (Davids, thanks tree_and_leaf)

1 Who named his daughter after Great Aunt Betsey?
David Copperfield

2 Who was called the Tee’d Ball by the young advocates?

3 Where were Middle Eastern differences settled “with one accord”?

4 Which “King” lost his life in the battle across the river from San Antonio?
Davy Crockett (me and caulkhead)

5 Whose cardiectomy remnant was interred beneath an example of Chlorophora excelsa?

6 Which leading Covenanter was hung, drawn and quartered for complicity in an archiepiscopal murder?
David Hackston (tree_and_leaf)

7 Who witnessed the suicide of the kaffir king and Christian minister in the Rooirand cave?
David Crawfurd (tree_and_leaf)

8 Which hairy little man with pink lips and a wall eye came out of the sun?

9 Who received an apparently well-deserved caprine nickname?
David Lloyd George (tree_and_leaf)

10 Who underwent a nocturnal mammary transformation?

9 (drinks)

1 What was the undoing of Sir Claude Amory?
Black coffee

2 What is appropriately marketed in pellet form?

3 What crimson infusion has hypotensive properties?
Rooibos (pjie2)

4 What beverage’s infallibility bore a papal comparison?

5 What did the Rocky Mountain fur-trapper consider to be superior to whisky?

6 what was brought to the incarcerated Bufo following the bubble-and-squeak?
Tea and toast

7 with what did his mother dose Peter on his escape from the garden?
Camomile tea (antisoppist)

8 what is the choice of the precious Gaborone detective?

9 what citrous concoction recalls a great reformer?
Earl Grey tea (pjie2)

10 what spots characterise von Recklinghausen?
Cafe au lait (pjie2)

10 (I think this is reptiles)

1 What was partnered on bended knee?

2 Which two protagonists share a liking for Allie?

3 How was Miss Languish’s strong will described by her aunt?
an allegory on the banks of the Nile

4 What name was given by Disney to Barrie’s anonymous reptile?

5 Who maintained that he who trusts a woman will walk on duckweed in a pool?

6 Who displayed his distinctive motif when winning for the second time at West Side?

7 What suffered solar destruction following pachydermal confrontation?
The Enormous Crocodile (white_hart)

8 Who enjoyed a fusion initially with Horus, and later with Ra?

9 Who changed hands while crossing the Irish Sea?

10 Which island trio has reptilian etymology?
Cayman (caulkhead)

11 (this is feathers)

1 What were the pipe-cleaners stolen from Uncle Jim?
Green parrot feathers (el_staplador)

2 Why might the jay wrongly be seen as more precious than the lark?
Because his feathers are more beautiful (gominokouhai)

3 What characterised the little men apart from coloured jacket and cap?
A white owl's feather (antisoppist)

4 What was the crest of Blind John, adopted by the victorious leader after the battle in 1346?
Three ostrich feathers (sollers)

5 What, developed by Rex and Cromie, owed its name to Harold, and brought immediate success for Geoff?

6 What, in addition to the Yellow Jacket did the British commander receive after victory at Changzhou Fu?

7 In what tale does David, living with his parents at Firetown, receive a rifle for his 14th birthday?

8 In what tale did Joseppi stumble out the Musoline Overture on a zither in Wadi Halfa?
The Four Feathers

9 Which scarecrow was created by a pipe-smoking New England witch?

10 Which clandestine group saved Ran on the edge of Exmoor?

12 Which code name was given to the agent who:

1 thwarted Weitsprung?

2 faked the demolition of the Mosquito factory?
Zigzag (hano)

3 warned the High Command of the threat from FUSAG?
Garbo (hano)

4 threatened revelation following the death of her beloved dog?

5 successfully misled Rommel and employed his notional girlfriend Misanthrope?
Cheese (hano)

6 photographed Sir Hughe’s secret papers and was rewarded with counterfeit sterling?
Cicero (hano)

7 began by proving himself to the Abwehr with a report on Pierre Laval?
Tricycle (hano)

8 nearly blew it when he mistakenly confused Glass and Sand?

9 was known as Leonhard by his German paymasters?

10 later dug up artefacts in Corsica?

13 (I think this is Egypt - updated, the Nile, thanks legionseagle)

1 What does the Bard credit with subtlety?
Cleopatra, serpent of the Nile (legionseagle)

2 Where does Kitchener have an Elephantine companion?

3 Where did pigeon-shooting lead to inappropriate British reprisals?

4 Where did Mrs Doyle narrowly escape death from a falling boulder?
Rameses Temple (legionseagle and coughingbear)

5 Where was the P&O liner Mongolia expected at 11am on Wednesday 9 October?
Suez, Around the World in 80 Days (drplotka)

6 Where did the French lieutenant find the trilingual text which provided the key to understanding the ancient scripts?
Fort Julien

7 For what was Rigoletto substituted for the opening of the Opera House?

8 Which heir presumptive drowned when his train fell into the river?

9 Where did Wüstenfuchs’s substitute suffer a fatal heart attack?

10 Where did Giocante stand on the burning deck?
Ship Orient; Battle of the Nile

14 The etymology of which country’s name:

1 rules out mendacity?

2 describes littoral wealth?
Costa Rica (castiron)

3 suggests sacred insularity?

4 recalls the Dude’s favourite cocktail?
Belarus (happydisciple)

5 shows the long reach of a Basque windmill?

6 misrenders the name of an East India Company captain?

7 derives from pachydermal slaughter?
Ivory Coast (el_staplador)

8 derives from crustacean abundance?

9 warns of shallow waters?
Bahamas (pjie2)

10 has lunar connections?

15 (dances, thanks el_staplador)

1 What Viennese dance celebrated 26 July?

2 Who responded to news of the lugger in Kitt’s Hole?

3 What reckless delight is enhanced by an abundance of Xeres?
cachua, fandango, bolero (el_staplador)

4 In what did the snail decline the whiting’s invitation to take part?
Lobster Quadrille (el_staplador)

5 In which morbid exercise does a xylophone represent an osseous rattle?
Danse Macabre (happydisciple)

6 What famous dance sequence precedes Grimaldo’s attempt on the life of Badoero?

7 Who “waltzed” in happy anticipation of a rendezvous with Marianne?

8 In what did two geriatrics rekindle their love in West Yorkshire?
Last Tango in Halifax (el_staplador)

9 In what pas de deux does Pertussis seem to participate?

10 What was sung from the shade of a Coolibah?
Waltzing Matilda (el_staplador) "Who'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me (megpie71)

16 What: (cakes and puddings I think)

1 day shares with Bridget?
Cake pops

2 did Ramsay combine with Turtle Soup?

3 was named after Margaretha, Märtha and Astrid?
Prinsesstarta (antisoppist)

4 was inspired through an invitation to see Elsa of Brabant?

5 was Tom’s intended fate prior to his rescue from beneath the attic?
Being turned into an roly-poly pudding (white_hart)

6 according to the Captain, always ate better if it did not scald your gullet?
Treacle pudding (drplotka)

7 is a sweetened combination of egg yolk and a Sicilian wine?
Zabaglione (kotturinn)

8 creation formerly had the sobriquet “solognotte”?
Tarte Tatin

9 do Margrethe’s subjects use as a shibboleth?
rødgrød med fløde

10 moistens the lip and brightens the eye?

17 (gates, thanks tree_and_leaf)

1 On what was Smiler fed?

2 Where is the vanelline source of ferruginous waters?

3 Whose scholarly woodpecker was a wooden bookend?
Oliver Postgate (tree_and_leaf, white_hart halfway!)

4 Where, according to Bede, was Adda’s brother the Abbot?

5 What was given its name by Lamancha owing to the execrable food and wine?
Runagates club (tree_and_leaf)

6 Where was she heard singing about her laddie’s blue bonnet and dimpled chin?
Sandgate (pjie2)

7 To which establishment was the frisky prentice hauled with fanfares?
Newgate (coughingbear)

8 Where in 1940 were tables for two laid as tables for four?

9 What was earned by William and discarded by Tony?
Stansgate (antisoppist)

10 Whence the Cholmeleians?

18 During 2015:

1 which popular character fell to a Minnesota toxophilite?
Cecil the Lion

2 whose crown-scarred skull has found a final resting place?
Richard III

3 where has a polychrome hybrid of Galanthus been relaunched?

4 which archiepiscopal foundation has closed its doors after 432 years?

5 for which sleuth has his luscinial escapade now turned out to be his swan song?
Inspector Wexford (coughingbear)

6 which anthem, played in error, was equally erroneously attributed to Kazakhstan?

7 which six-times winner did his final lap almost 65 years after his first victory?

8 how has Suffragette militancy progressed to Suffragen achievement?

9 how did a redesigned garden contribute to gold in China?

10 how has Bellerophon returned at the expense of Aquila?
ETA: Continuing to add answers. Apologies if I've filled in any myself that you got in comments - I'm slowly going through the answers. Nice crop this year, I have to say! This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.
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