Fifty Shades of Pemberley?

Jul 18, 2012 14:01

So, the Guardian is reporting this. They even got the publisher to justify this on Comment is Free (apparently "cos we want to make a shitload of money" doesn't count).

(I heartily recommend Ben McCrory's take on P&P in the comments of the first piece.)

But while discussing things like Charlotte Lucas and Mr Collins's wedding night in email (Lady Catherine naturally gave instructions and a gimp mask may have been involved), I was wondering what you lot might consider to be the best/worst books and scenes to spice up?

For inspiration, let me set the benchmark - from Jane Eyre Laid Bare, the reimagined version of Jane Eyre: "My penis is hard, Jane. That is what kissing you does to me. My body is filled with desire."

(I really really hope that line is spoken by Helen Burns, btw.)

So, thoughts? Bad fic in comments? Possible retitles of books for an erotic audience (or indeed Mills and Boon retitles - Jane Eyre is clearly "The Billionaire Bigamist's Gentle Governess" which works for both.)
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