The King William's College Quiz

Dec 23, 2009 13:00

Yay! That time of year again!

Here we go again - the King William's College quiz. As per usual, it's quite okay to look up answers, so long as you have an idea of where to find them - straightforward Googling is cheating. Thus "ooh, I know, it's in The Big Six" and subsequently looking up the character's name is fine, typing a phrase into Google is not.

1. During 1909:

1 what hidden addiction was revealed in Munich?

2 what was founded at the southern tip of Kinneret?
Degania Alef troo

3 who filed a patent for a hermetically sealed burial casket?

4 which youngsters received numbered anklets by the Aberdeenshire seaside?

5 who, contrary to generally accepted opinion, may have reached where after Cook?
Robert Peary, North Pole jonquil

6 whose gallinaceous offering was held up by the censors and emerged posthumously?

7 who was rewarded for lofty idealism, vivid imagination and spiritual perception?
Joan of Arc penguineggs

8 which Portuguese island colonies lost their Quaker customers?

9 whose unscheduled dip in La Manche cost him a grand?
Hubert Latham captainlucy

10 which negative logarithm came from Carlsberg?
The pH scale happydisciple

2. Which politician:

1 was brought down by arachnoid largesse?

2 was expelled as Speaker following bribery by the Corporation?
Sir John Trevor captainlucy

3 in a constituency renowned for its RHS Show, succumbed to Campanula vestimenta alba?
Neil Hamilton m31andy

4 enriched himself as PMG and provided a suitable surname for one of Disraeli's fictional characters?

5 was impeached, but not convicted, for allegedly accepting a bribe of 5,000 guineas from the East India Company?
Warren Hastings penguineggs

6 continued to draw an annual income of £25,000 from moneys which were not his, for 15 years after resigning as PMG?

7 transferred his nontransferable vouchers for his wife to travel from Glamorgan on the Great Western Railway?

8 similarly provided, inappropriately, first-class tickets for his mistress to travel to Yorkshire?
David Blunkett the_ladylark

9 was impeached on bribery charges shortly after his elevation to a viscountcy?
Francis Bacon hobnobs

10 used a Guest List for awarding Orders and other honours?

3. In which city: (German cities?)

1 did Dizzy Mabel get drunk on gin?

2 did George confuse the words for cushion and kiss?
Dresden penguineggs and m31andy

3 did Peregrinus bring Christmas presents to the poor bookbinder's family?

4 did the enormous Olga address her guest, inappropriately, as her little turtle-dove?

5 was the Cardinal encouraged to forsake celibacy in favour of a Lutheran union to solve a financial crisis?

6 did the dinner guests of the extended family include poet, physician, broker, wine-merchant, lumber-merchant and pastor?
Birmingham shinydan

7 did the disguised head groom cause a fire to reduce 42 houses to rubble and ashes?

8 was the annual subscription for the Blue Diamond 175 (in pre-euro money)?
Hamburg hobnobs

9 was the bearer of a pound of Raven mixture expected at 9.34pm?
Flensburg penguineggs

10 did the people proclaim their Mayor a noddy?
Hamelin penguineggs

4. In the finals of the AELT & CC's championships: (Wimbledon)

1 which runner-up won 29 games?

2 which match was decided after 12 games?
1911 Ladies Final between Dorothea Lambert against Dora Boothby popsock

3 who required 40 games for his three-set victory?
1894 Mens Final between Joshua Pim vs Wilfred Baddeley popsock

4 which two-set match was decided after 46 games?
1970 Ladies Final between Margaret Court and Billie Jean King popsock

5 which champion is now remembered for his predatory reptile motif?
Rene Lacosteburkesworks

6 in which match did the runner-up win as many games and sets as the victor?

7 which titled finalist was imprisoned by the Gestapo?
Baron Gottfried von Cramm ladyvyola

8 what was the role of Brooke's grandfather?
First win by walkover (1931 Sidney Wood beat Frank Shields by this) popsock

9 who was the only victor to lose a set 0-6?
1948 Mens Final between Bob Falkenburg and John Bromwich popsock

10 who defeated his brother three times?
John MacEnroe rosathome


1 Where did 13 go to the scaffold on Friday 13th?

2 Who carried out the last public execution in Britain?
William Calcraft penguineggs

3 Whose controversial execution by firing squad was alluded to by Voltaire?
Admiral Byng major_clanger

4 Which tailor, under sentence of death, was reprieved and elevated to Headsman?

5 Which sexagenarian was chased around the scaffold and needed 11 blows with the axe?
Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury

6 Which teenager was hanged for rape and murder, but revived while being prepared for dissection in Surgeons' Hall?

7 Who was burned alive, without prior garrotting, owing to bungling by the executioner?
Catherine Hayes

8 Which trooper's swollen purple throat and stark and staring eyes were mocked?
Trooper Wooldridge f4f3

9 How was the poisoner cook from John Fisher's household executed?
Boiled alive uitlander

10 Who survived three attempts at hanging at Exeter?
John Babbacombe Lee penguineggs

6. Who or what: (Bread)

1 are endocrine?
Sweetbreads penguineggs

2 invested in the Goat?
Whitbread Brewery jonquil

3 is overlooked by Calum's Hill?

4 is repetitious (and inspiring) at Cardiff?
Bread of Heaven (Cwm Rhondda)

5 is neither brightly coloured nor feathered?
Parrot bread m31andy

6 were placed in 774 pots, 39 tubs and 24 boxes?

7 nickname has been applied to the Ukraine?
Breadbasket of Soviet Union natural20

8 emphasises enthusiasm for a new idea?
Best thing since sliced bread me *and* hobnobs

9 is flavoured with cloves?
Garlic bread m31andy
Bread sauce the_ladylark

10 is palindromic?
Naan f4f3

7. Who or what: (van/van ders?)

1 was watched at eye level?
Van der Valkshinydan

2 found room at one end for Victoria?

3 is not trusted for the way he parts his hair?

4 tale was found among the papers of the late Diedrich Knickerbocker?
Rip Van Winkle willplant

5 painted an ecclesiastical decoration for a Flanders-based Florentine banker?
Jan van Eyck the0lady

6 under a changed name, was allegedly instructed to include all facial blemishes?
Peter Lely (Pieter van der Faes)

7 turned to architecture following a relapse and provocation of the wife?
Sir John Vanbrugh hobnobs

8 took his name from the city of Sint-Janskathedraal?
Hieronymus Bosch (Jeroen van Aken) burkesworks

9 had a costly wetting in the Barry Burn?
Jan van der Velde

10 revealed lives by invitation?

8. Who or what: (ngo or go)

1 is tragelaphine?
Ngou jonquil

2 is also a humming bird?

3 was considered better than best?
Ringo Starr hobnobs

4 has a contrary reaction to that of litmus?
Congo red

5 reverted to its former name following caprine slaughter?

6 retained his virtuosity despite accidental conversion to syndactyly?
Django Rheinhardt jonquil

7 had a facial expression likened to a fireside utensil?
Bingo Little or Pongo Twistleton caulkhead

8 is garnished with eggs and crustaceans?
Chicken marengo jonquil

9 is black and fork-tailed?
Drongo hobnobs

10 stepped out from BA?
Tango caulkhead

9. Where does the brewer:

1 recall 4468?
Mallard Brewery, Nottinghamburkesworks

2 produce a preserved gamebird?
Badger Brewery, Blandford Forum (Pickled Partridge)

3 start his product with a silent "P"?
Harviestoun Brewery, Alva (Ptarmigan Ale) penguineggs

4 provide a label for a hirsute cage bird?
Old Chimney, Suffolk (Hairy Canary) the_ladylark

5 remember the birthplace of 007's adventures?
Black Isle Brewery, Ross-shire (Goldeneye)

6 remind us of a battle with a heptacephalic rodent?
Whittington's Brewery beckyl

7 produce evidence of canine appreciation?
Wychwood Brewery, Witney (Dog's Bollocks)burkesworks
Wagtail Brewery, Norfolk the_ladylark

8 commemorate Joanna Maria Lind?
Malvern Hills Brewery, Malvern (Swedish Nightingale)

9 appear to condone avian greed?
Magpie Brewery (Thieving Rogue) hobnobs

10 recognise a recurved bill?
Exeter Brewery (Avocet Ale) penguineggs

10. (Alexanders?)
1 Who did Paul much evil?
Alexander the Copper Smith hobnobs

2 Who extended his realm into the Irish Sea?
Alexander III of Scotland

3 Who attributed the cold winter wind to the Almighty?
Cecil Alexander hobnobs

4 Who confused rubrum and notatum when making his epic discovery?
Alexander Fleming

5 Who shot himself following annihilation of the Second Army by the Eighth?

6 Who, following his death, may have re-emerged as a hermit, living for a further 39 years?
Tsar Alexander I jonquil

7 Which monarch was shot, together with the French foreign minister?
Alexander I of Yugoslavia burkesworks

8 Who perceived his life as a protracted period of infirmity?
Alexander Pope jonquil

9 Who was challenged by Gray over his patent?
Alexander Graham Bell penguineggs

10 Who was mistaken for a match?
Alexander Beetle burkesworks

11. Which ordinal:
1 is metronomic?
2nd hobnobs

2 is liable to neuralgia?
3rd jonquil

3 was secured by MacArthur?
38th Parallelburkesworks

4 may forecast persistent precipitation?
15th (July, St Swithin's Day) rosathome

5 was applied to Sarto, the village postman's son?
10th (Pope Pius)burkesworks

6 recalls tearful memories of the Tigris and Euphrates?
137th (Psalm)

7 is associated with an annual brainteaser?
4th (William) rosathome

8 was used by Wraysford in his Diary?

9 signalled a peaceful trio?

10 was applied to Lime?
3rd (Man)burkesworks

12. Which Queen of England or Great Britain:
1 battled for Lancaster?
Margaret of Anjou

2 was the first to be kissed by Pepys?
Katherine of Valois

3 was the consort of two Kings of England?
Judith or Emma of Normandy

4 made a posthumous journey to London leaving her viscera at Lincoln?
Eleanor of Castile

5 numbered two archbishops and one bishop among her maternal uncles?
Eleanor of Provence

6 on first meeting her future spouse had prompted him to order a glass of brandy?
Caroline of Brunswick

7 escaped in a hurry from a Cambridge Hall, before it was burned down?
Mary Tudor hobnobs

8 died following surgery for an umbilical hernia?
Caroline of Ansbach

9 regretted the jettisoning of this for that?

10 corresponded with Mrs Freeman?
Queen Anne

13. Which English cathedral:

1 is built on the highest ground?

2 has both a Bishop and a Dean with a glass eye?

3 contains a medieval lectern representing a large water bird?

4 has accommodated a pilgrim and his family annually since 2002?

5 achieved its current lofty status through meteorological intervention in 1584?

6 has a gallinaceous motif commemorating the founder of a Cambridge college?

7 possesses a plurality of plumbous receptacles for baptismal water?

8 houses the tomb of the founder, in 1264, of an Oxford college?

9 has a pulpit accessed by an intramural staircase?

10 houses the only equestrian statue?

14. Name the venue and the activity:

1 Royal flood-plain.

2 A half of cuckoo pint.
Lords; cricket m31andy

3 The headsman's victim.
Upton Park; Football burkesworks

4 Simmonite, lacking a vowel.
Billown; Motorcycle racing hobnobs

5 A glorious shire relocated by the sea.

6 A shortened and outdated underground carriage.

7 The chiropteran hang-out of the eccentric.
The Belfry; Golf m31andy

8 Milne's joey by the river.
Roodee, Chester; Horse racing burkesworks

9 Calverley's alternative.

10 An ox cart perhaps.

15. Who or what: (ula)

1 is perifoveal?
Macula dopplergirl

2 is bridged by a memorial to Pepi?

3 was a notoriously cruel Wallachian prince?

4 overlooks the burial ground of Anne, Catherine and Jane?
St Peter Ad Vincula

5 was thought, through its bite, to cause an extreme impulse to dance?

6 was a probable tuberculous infection, so named after a breeding sow?

7 is an abnormal passage connecting two epithelial surfaces?
Fistula rosathome, dopplergirl

8 broken bone is associated with an unspoken wish?
Wishbone/chicken clavicle natural20
Aka Furcula

9 was Linné's name for the sea parrot?
Fratercula Artica penguineggs

10 is the Hill of the Fords?
Benbecula willplant

16. Having got into the red, complete: (This looks like it's Monopoly boards)

1 B-dul Carol - ........... - B-dul Eroiler.
Bulevardul Mihai Kogalniceanu (Bucharest) burkesworks

2 Holmens Kanal - ........... - Torvgade.
Børsgade (Copenhagen)

3 Robinson Road - Shenton Way - ...........
Collyer Quay (Singapore) burkesworks

4 Sancová ulica - Vajnorská ulica - ...........
Palisády (Bratislava) burkesworks

5 Strandvägen - Kungsträdgårdsgatan - ...........
Hamngatan (Stockholm)vatine

6 ........... - Boulevard Malesherbes - Avenue Henri-Martin.
Avenue Matignon (Paris)

7 Plaza Urquinaona - ........... - Ronda San Pedro.
Calle de Fontanella (Barcelona)

8 ........... - Tartu maantee - Pärnu maantee.
Narva maantee (Tallinn) burkesworks

9 ........... - Capel Street - Henry Street
Abbey Street (Dublin)

10 Lönnrotinkatu - ........... - Simonkatu.
Annankatu (Helsinki)

17. What eponymous word owes its origin to:

1 F René?
Chateaubriand ladyvyola

2 JD Scotus?
Dunce rosathome

3 HP Mitchell?
Melba hobnobs

4 Gerhard Kremer?
Mercator Projection ladyvyola

5 Charles de Rohan?

6 RV Shepherd and HJ Turpin?
Sten gun major_clanger

7 John Montague?

8 Haile Selassie?
Rastafarian burkesworks

9 C Cardoni?
Caesar salad burkesworks

10 M Tracy?

18. During 2009:

1 who mischievously rocked the boat?
Hazel Blears f4f3

2 whose victory in Bavaria has recalled I Samuel XVII?
David Hayeburkesworks

3 which Hat-maker has become the first female to be so honoured?

4 what left Lavender Hill intact but sustained a rupture at Langhorn Drive?

5 who, in disgrace, became Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead?
Michael Martinburkesworks

6 which vessel's sinking with the loss of all 36 lives has been recognised philatelically?
Ellen Vannin. Isle of Man P.O. penguineggs

7 what non-event at Fort Collins recalled a fictional disaster in the Chilterns?

8 who has provided extremely interesting reading matter for rail travel?
Book Crossing hobnobs
Penguin books the_ladylark

9 who will never stir again, however much he is shaken?

10 what, according to Unesco, has risen from the dead?

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