Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list ten things you LOVE that begin with that letter. Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
Canines - both of the dental (the better to eat my steak with) and man's-best-friend varieties
Corned beef - 'nuff said
Computers - They do make things easier
Cups - so much more effective than my hands, especially with hot beverages
Cars - I actually enjoy driving; it's commuting I could do without
Cinema - when I can get to it
Creativity - such a noble trait and absolutely necessary for the continuation of human progress
Comedy - what's not to love?
Cloaks - whether it's keeping you warm at an SCA war or hiding your starship from the enemy, cloaks are wonderful
Cards, playing - the myriad games conceivable using 52 pieces of stiff paper, of which Poker is King