If Light Were Dark, And Dark Were Light

Aug 18, 2008 14:31

Is there some kind of pre-requisite for our favourite artists to have stemmed from some fucked up form of living before becoming successful and near enough responsible by the very words they speak, the thoughts they think, the fucking scent they emit, for hundreds of thousands of fans wanting, needing, fucking dying to be just as, if not more fucked up?

Is there a rule book somewhere that says you have to have at least one shitty thing happen to you in your life that affects you so much that you mar the world with your fucked up brand of emo?

Is there some spectacular narrative that states the great whoever had some Earth-shattering experience and suddenly saw a blinding light.

Right before he walked into it?

Is it possible for someone to be so unhappy with their lives, for them to be so depressed, so down on themselves, that they decide they can't do it anymore?

Of course that's possible.

I don't even know why I asked.

But is it fair for a person; a talented, well liked, well loved, well adored, revered, respected, person, who decide they can't do it anymore?

No, it isn't. But it happens.

And what's he a martyr of? Being screwed up? Having more money than sense? Having a daughter to take care of, only to leave her to grow up fatherless? Having a career in which he becomes an internationally acclaimed near-enough-brand name?

Did he end it because he couldn't handle the lime-light? Because he didn't want to be a parent anymore? Because.. what? He just didn't give a fuck?

Maybe it was an accident, maybe he didn't want to end it; he just wanted a hit. And took a hit that went too far. Maybe maybe maybe maybe.

And Maybe Elvis isn't dead.
Maybe I'm still 17.
Maybe we're living in a world that is as peaceful as it is ever going to be.

And Maybe... just maybe... every fucker in this knowledge, wants to say a huge 'fuck you, you selish fuck.'

I know I do.
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