Yes. I don't know what brought this on, but I must write about it or I'll just be pissed off for the rest of today and possibly tomorrow. I've been complaining since this morning. It's like I'm in some kind of mood to complain.
First off, it's fucking warm outside. Shouldn't I be glad it's warm? I SHOULD! But I'm not. I don't want it to be warm, I want it to be cold. I always knew there was something wrong with me and this totally proves it.
I hate getting up early for school (why do they have to start school so early in the morning, anyway?) and I hate that my first period is frikkin' Performance Drama. I hate Drama. You'd think... that Performance Drama would be about performance. But it's not. It's a little bit about performing, but mostly about writing shit down. And watching plays so you can review them at the end of the year. You've gotta know like, a million conventions and elements and then actually connect those with whatever you've watched.
I should be doing my stupid Wide-Reading right now but I just can't be bothered because yes, I like to read, not review what I just read. Hasn't anyone heard of doing things just for the heck of it?!
I hate that I have to do Math next year, cause Math sucks ass and I take no enjoyment in sketching parabolas what-so-frikkin'-ever.
Infact, I will never be facing a situation in which I must say: "Hey, that's complicated! Let's draw a parabola and figure it out!"
I hate that I have to wear a skirt that's two sizes to big for me and I hate that I'm so lazy I can't go get it tightened.
I hate that I finish school so late that I can't go out and watch movies in the afternoon.
I hate that no one at school can pronounce my name worth shit.
I hate that I have a limit on my Internet, cause I can't download stuff and it really pisses me off.
I hate that I can hate someone but I have to hide it cause no one else seems to.
I hate that I have to wear a bloody uniform for the next year and a half.
I hate that I have to do a whole fucking bunch of exams in less than a month, even though I only got here two months ago.
I have huge thighs.
And arms.
I hate my skin.
I'm too fat.
I'm not pretty. (not in stupid New Zealand, anyway)
So, yes, I feel like bitching.
Screw you!