Books are the currency of my realm. (And I am rich beyond my wildest dreams!)

Jun 26, 2007 11:29

OMG help! I joined Read It Swap It to get new books and also get rid of some that I've read or don't want to read. I joined a week ago and I've already swapped 11 books! The problem is I'm not getting any time to read these books because I'm too busy SENDING THE DAMN BOOKS to other people. It's like literally every time I've finished packaging one lot of books, I have a bunch of requests for other books to deal with. And it's not like I haven't been turning people down, I have! But then someone with even better books comes along and I cave. Lordy. I am so grateful for Royal Mail's Online Postage.

Fellow Brits: What the fuckitty fuck is up with the weather lately? I got my garden all sorted out for summer but it appears to have been cancelled in favour of heavy rain and gale force winds. *sigh*

sevendaysilovea: Hv fn @ th cncrt tmrrw. Cnt wt 2 mt y nxt wk :)

aingeal8c: You were in my dream the other night. We were hanging out with Pete Wentz (if only!) at this Fall Out Boy housing development thing that was being built for FOB fans so they could live near Pete (wtf?). He was kinda freaked out by it and was asking you what you thought of it. He called you Aingeal but pronounced it "angel". Then he made it snow by like, pressing a button and we made snow angels and watched people skiing while Pete was being emo. There was also a dead beaver (or maybe an otter!) which is just... I have no idea.

rl, books, weird dream
