The 0.00001% of my brain that still functions logically.

Jan 12, 2008 18:41

Just a quick post to say sorry I've been a bit lax with the comments. I've been de-cluttering my house and doing all kinds of actual productive RL stuff (urgh, lol) I had a driving lesson on Thursday, I was really nervous again because I haven't had a lesson since October but it went ok. Amazingly, even though the traffic lights were out and people decided to ride their horses in the middle of the goddamn road and WOULD NOT MOVE OVER FOR ME TO PASS and even though morons decided to walk out right in front of me and a child kicked his ball in front of me and people cut me up all over the bloody place, I still managed to not kill anyone either by accident or on purpose. Success!

In bandom-related news: WTF Panic? I'm so pissed off/distraught about the missing !. I mean really, stupidly, pathetically upset about it. The tiny part of my brain that still functions logically knows that I shouldn't care, it just an exclamation point after all. But the majority of my brain is all OMGWTFBBQ!!! YOU CAN'T GET RID OF THE ! IT'S AN INTEGRAL PART OF BANDOM! Which is just... whatever.

I think I'm gonna adopt it. I'll be Clare! from now on. Screw you Panic, the ! was too good for you anyway.

rl:driving, bandom:patd, bandom:wank
