I think it's more a state of mind than anything.

Jan 03, 2008 14:08

I was going to do that "are you privileged?" meme that is everywhere but I realised I can only bold three things out of the thirty or so statements. Pretty lame huh? But I don't think I had a hard childhood or at least the things I consider "bad" in my childhood have nothing to do with those statements. If I was to consider myself underprivileged (which I don't) it would be because I lost my mum when I was only nine, or that I lost contact with my mother's side of the family, that I never knew my real father. Those are the things I regret about my life, not that I wore hand-me-downs or that my parents didn't go to college. Those things are so insignificant in the grand scheme of things and actually I wouldn't even change them because they made me who I am today. The statements are more about how much money your family has and, to me at least, that's not the same as being privileged. I grew up knowing that my family loved me and would do anything for me and that's what I consider privileged.

FYI the statements I could bold are:
Had more than 50 books in your childhood home. When I was in my teens my dad started collecting second-hand books. I don't know why, he never read them. I think he thought they made him look intelligent. Hahaha.
Had your own TV in your room in High School. We lived opposite a second-hand TV shop, so the guy gave my dad a good deal on a TV when I asked for one for Christmas :D
Flew anywhere on a commercial airline before you turned 16. When I was about 11 I was contacted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation. My wish? To meet Right Said Fred. AHAHAHAHAHA! No seriously, that was my wish but (thank God) my dad talked me out of it and instead I said I'd like to go to Disneyland in Florida. So they arranged for me to go with Dreamflight.

Anyway, that's my tuppence/two cents worth ;) Now look at this completely awesome t-shirt I bought from George at Asda.

Law and Order just finished downloading so I'm off to watch that. Most of my flist has been a-squee over it so I'm expecting much from Mr Stump!

privileged, l&o
