
May 16, 2007 20:29

I am a real person...

I've not posted in my own LJ 'til now, because I'm a very poor writer, have a quiet life and, despite having been a 'grown-up' for years I'm still a bit shy.

Recently there's been problems on some of the comms I belong to with trolls using empty journals as fronts, so I'm posting to say I am a real person and generally well behaved (I hope).

I found LJ backtracking from rahirah's website, looking for more of her excellent Spuffy fanfic and stayed, initially keeping mostly to the btvs verse, adding new Who and Torchwood when they started.

I have a paid membership because I want to support LJ, I continue to follow some areas of BTVS fic (mainly Spike centric) and am an avid follower of Dr Who and Torchwood.

Pretty much everything else about me that's relevant to LJ is in my profile I think.

*turns pink and sits back down in the corner*