Nov 05, 2003 20:23
I got the season one Alias dvd's today. Ohh, I LOVE them. I wasn't a huge fan of Alias to begin with or with Jennifer Garner but you know now I'm like the biggest Jen fan in the world and a huge fan of the show, so it's fun catching up. Plus the extras *dies* and the cast commentry *dies some more*. I think Merrin is my new favourite person, she seems like the nicest person in the world. Oh, and I adored everyone telling Ron Rifkin what a "fox" he is. :D
Exams have been brutal, I've been sick from with all things sun stroke, so I've been studying when I can. :D Plus I've read so much Syd and Sark fiction lately that I've been reading and archiving it's been okay. I picked out a name for the site, and my girl Cilli is going to host it, and a bunch of friends from sd-1 are letting me archive their fanfiction and artwork, so it'll be awesome. Plus I love shipper sites, you get the best feedback from all of the crazy!obsessed fans.
Does anyone know where the lyrics "Did you know my dear, I almost took the liberty of watching you sleep" is from? It's driving me nuts, I think it's either Saves the Day or the ataris. I'm not sure.
And Emi? Today, I think I became a partial B/A shipper after watching Suprise/Innocence. I think it's the fever. :D