Name: Jamie, but people call me all sorts of things... Including Korin and Mudkip~
Age: 14 as of August 19th
Height: ...4'9" and PROUD, DAMMIT! xD
Hobbies: Photography ♥, drawing, painting, writing, playing video games and cooking
Sports: ...Um...Jump-rope? :D
Likes: Anime & manga, art, video games, alternative fashion, my friends, mudkips (>__>), unexplainable things (like aliens, Jack The Ripper, etc), nighttime ♥, tea, buying things, going out with my friends, having lots of money, the occult, and sweet & spicy foods.
Dislikes: I don't really like society as a whole; it's too media-based and it pretty much makes me feel like puking. xD; I don't like it when people mock or look down on me. I don't like stereotypes at all either. And I don't do so well with heights. ;o; Oh and... I hate work. )<
Strong points: I'm very, very opinionated -- but not suffocatingly so. I give good advice. I've been told that I'm intelligent & pretty eccentric (I take that as a compliment), and I don't change myself for anyone. ^^ I'm incredibly skilled at manipulating people/lying; I'm not afraid to be a little bad if it gets me to the point where I want to be.
Weak points: I scare people sometimes? xDD; As I said, I'm a bit eccentric, so it tends to make people be a bit wary... >_>;
I'm a pessimist, and while I give good advice, I can't seem to be able to use my own advice.
I suck at trusting people, am a bit of a sadist and I CANNOT STAND the heat...even though I live in the Caribbean. ;__;
I'm very lazy, and I hate all forms of physical labour. xDD;
Colour: Red
Food: FRIED CHICKEN OM NOM NOM, but I drink 100 gallons of tea a day... xD;
Animal: Wolves :3
Season (summer, spring, fall, winter): It's pretty close between fall and winter, but...Winter ^o^
Fruit: I hate fruit. :C
Flavor: Um, chocolate maybe?
Smell: Rain; freshly-baked cookies :D
Manga/anime (other than XXXHolic, if it is): a tie between Junjou Romantica & Kuroshitsuji. ♥
Celebrity (and why): Tim Burton, for sure. I love him, purely because the way his mind works fascinates me and his creations are amazing~
XXXHolic charrie (and why): Yuuko! She's very wise, strong, mysterious and gorgeous. D:! She's hilarious and I love her. <3
Genre of literature: Mystery, Suspense.
If you were stranded on a desert Island, what 5 things would you bring?:
oo1. Sun screen~
oo2. A massive manga collection -- for the lulz.
oo3. A towel
oo4. A cooler filled with drinks. >_>
oo5. A boat of some sort (lulz, I just defeated the point of this question. OHWELL.)
Yes. I would treat it as if it were some sort of vacation. >_>;
Describe yourself in 1-3 words:
Strange, Silly, Intelligent.
Are you an energetic person or are you a lower energy level kind of person?
Energetic, though I'm pretty... relaxed at times.
Do you act more on impulse or do you tend to think things through?
Impulse. xD; Whenever I overthink things I panic, so I go with my gut feeling. Beides, it makes stuff more interesting.
What would you say is your motto?
Um... I guess it'd be... "stay true to yourself." I'm a firm believer in independence. ^^
What's your dream career?
Something pertaining to art; probably an alternative fashion designer.
Have a suggestion about the questions (+/-)?
Umm... I think that they're fine as they are. ^__^
Which element do you most identify with?
Fire or Water; I know they're 2 complete opposites, but...
Anything else we should know?
I am baking cookies at the moment~ and getting sugar all over my laptop~
Sing us a lyric from a favorite song, please! (If foreign, please provide translation)
like a bullet; meant to be shot / you're the target, dead on the spot
What would you wish for from Yuuko-san & what do you think you'd have to sacrifice for it?
Probably to be beautiful, or to have more confidence. I would have to sacrifice... probably my artistic talent.
What's your biggest fear?
Is there meaning or signifigance of your username, if so what is it?
pandemic → An epidemic that spreads over a very wide area, such as an entire country or continent.
As for significance... I thought that it was a cool word~ And in a way, it's like me. Because I'm just so disruptive like that. >_>
Photo (optional):
lol fail.
YAY. ♥
NOW... Who am I? *3*