Name: Zuks
Age: 17
Height: 5'4"
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, watching movies, attempting to cook (not very good), general crafts, trying to sew (not very good), and trying to be organized (very poor). Abstract/sciencey things, Rock that rawks, Fandoms, etc. (otherwise synonymous with likes).
Sports: n/a, I'm bad at all sports
Likes: Good food, art, good stories, movies, fandoms, crafts, rock music, sleeping, amusement parks, space aliens, different colored houses, and cephalopods.
Dislikes: Bad food, very socially uptight people, home owner's associations, back seats with three people, fast driving, being useless, the outdoors/countryside, and strange things in my yard (such as dogs or space aliens) that are generally undesirable.
Strong points: Independent, Intelligent, Optimistic, Creative, Curious, Aloof, Relaxed
Weak points: Stubborn, Arrogant, Quiet, Inattentive, Procrastinating (Well, actually I am very strongly all of these, too...)
Color: Tied - Green & Brown
Food: Tiramisu
Animal: Cuttlefish
Season: Summer
Fruit: Tied - raspberry & lychee
Flavor: Coffee
Smell: Berry-melon-vanilla candles
Manga/anime: Fullmetal Alchemist
Celebrity (and why): I'm a big moviegoer, so this is actually quite hard... But I'm a big fan of both M. Night Shyamalan & Tim Burton.
XXXHolic charrie (and why): Hard again! Um, I'm sure this is new, so I'm going to say it: those carnivore hand things were kind of cool. Because I have kind of a weird thing for limb and eye based characters.
Genre of literature: Fantasy, but I don't get to read books very frequently.
If you were stranded on a desert Island, what 5 things would you bring? My computer (the whole set is one thing!), the internet, my mp3 player, a large thing of string, and a knife.
Describe yourself in 1-3 words: odd fumbling spark.
Are you an energetic person or are you a lower energy level kind of person? I'm pretty mellow, and unfortunately very often tired, although I don't get much sleep. (Well... 8 hours at night doesn't feel so great.) But I try to go with the flow and only become excited occasionally.
Do you act more on impulse or do you tend to think things through? I much perfer to think things through, but if I become emotional, I become impulsive, which I don't like. I'm not very good with my emotions.
What would you say is your motto? "Anything is possible.", I suppose. It doesn't sound original, but my faith is based on Quantum Mechanics with that one.
What's your dream career? Right now, I really want to be a graphic novelist / writer-illustrator.
Have a suggestion about the questions (+/-)? An introvert/extrovert question? I think that factor shapes a lot of a person. I'm an introvert.
Which element do you most identify with? Metal. I think it ties in well with my strengths/weaknesses.
Anything else we should know? Um, I'm an INTP 5w4, if anyone cares...
Sing us a lyric from a favorite song, please! "I have no plans but that's alright - will you trust me when I'm mad? Have no time to set things right - will you love me when I'm sad?" -Hyde, Midnight Celebration
What would you wish for from Yuuko-san & what do you think you'd have to sacrifice for it? Perhaps to meet 'that person', someday. How long it would be until I meet them, or how long I would get to be with them. I've always had a strange and melancholy feeling regarding true love: I just think it'll somehow end up 'love lost'. But I'd rather that then to never love, because I know that person would be my greatest muse, and that'll make me whole.
What's your biggest fear? I'm very afraid of voids/nothingness, because I believe very strongly in infinity.
Is there meaning or signifigance of your username, if so what is it? This one, actually, is one of the few not! I actually chose this username so my parents wouldn't go finding my diary online (because I do treat it like a diary). But they are aware that I'm on livejournal, I just don't want them to get offended when I spill my angry guts about them every time I get upset on here. (Haha!) Actually, though... obviously, the 0_0 o_o are odd faces. 'db', can either stand for dragonball or a butterfly.
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