Name: Emily
Age: 15
Height: 5'5"
Hobbies: Acting, singing, drawing, garphics making, photography
Sports: -.-; Sports are gross
Likes: Theatre, photography, art, graphics, music
Dislikes: Homphobes, fakes, meanies, bad grammar
Strong points: Good friend, caring, artistic
Weak points: Overly sarcastic, mean to people I don't know, anti-social
Color: Purple
Food: Goat Cheese
Animal: Dog? xD
Season: Fall. It's not too cold but not hot to the extreme.
Fruit: Watermelon
Flavor: I dunno. It depends on the food.
Smell: What kind of questions are these? xD
Manga/anime: It's a tie between Full Metal Alchemist & Fruits Basket
Celebrity (and why): I'm not sure. I think it's Idina Menzel. She's incredibly talented and beautiful.
XXXHolic charrie (and why): Yuko. I don't really know why. I think it's just because she's so mysterious but happy and fun loving at the same time ^.^
Genre of litterature: Does manga count?
If you were stranded on a desert Island, what 5 things would you bring?: A cell phone, food, water, my dog n_n, a transportation device
Describe yourself in 1-3 words: Artsy, creative, caring
Are you an energetic person or are you a lower energy level kind of person?: Low energy. I'm the epiotme of lazy xD
Do you act more on impulse or do you tend to think things through?: Impulse
What would you say is your motto?: It's never too late /Teen Titans
What's your dream career?: Set designer
Have a suggestion about the questions (+/-)?: Nope.
Which element do you most identify with?: o.o; I dunno. Water I guess. Wow, this question is weird.
Anything else we should know?: Don't think so.
Sing us a lyric from a favorite song, please:
Home should be where the heart is. Never were words so true
What would you wish for from Yuuko-san & what do you think you'd have to sacrifice for it?: Uhm, I don't know. I guess love (cliche, I know). I'd probably lose the friends who love me lots or something o.o
What's your biggest fear?: Losing my friends (thus, the answer to the question above).
What's the meaning or signifigance of your username?: It doesn't really have one. I'm lost. Yep.
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