Jun 25, 2006 17:52
Today I ordered "Oukyuu no Matinee" from the internet because I just found out that there is a track called "smile" witch Fay sing! My heart is going to melt! Can`t wait. Sadly I live in norway, and everything I order takes a really long time to get. This time I ordered it from the US, instead of UK since they didn`t have it. So now I am going to have to wait longer. But, I`ll get it one of these wonderful days.
Since the last chapter of tsubasa I havn`t had any peace at mind. I keep thinking of Fay in a pool of blood, and I worrie and worrie. I guess it is going to be like this for two weeks. I drew a new drawing of Fay yesterday. He is sitting with a unknown girl. I guess that unknown girl is me...Well well... But I can`t post it up becouse my scanner is broken :( so sad. But I`ll get a new one one of the coming days. I also will get a new computer next week, I hate my old one its so old and slow.
Mata ne:D