Ficlet - A Premonition On Politics

Sep 17, 2007 23:23

I would just like to take this opportunity to remind the fandom at large that, provided you play within the guidelines of the canon, and that fluff is your goal, Nina and I welcome and encourage anyone and everyone to play in this community! :D It's therapy, yo!

I've promised monique_27 to write a ficlet a day to encourage her on her icky diet XD; So, with about 30 minutes to spare, here's the first of them!

Title: A Premonition On Politics
Author: reversedhymnal
Rating/Warnings: G, no warnings
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. I am merely using them for therapeutic reasons, XD;
Summary: In which there is a Break Room Conference on why Tomoyo and Eagle in First Grade Politics should be a Thing To Fear.
Notes: The time frame is that of the basic canon, ie: Tomoyo and Eagle and everyone are still in kindergarten in this fic. 555 words, ♥ Enjoy please!

The thing that all of the teachers were really dreading was when they hit first grade. That was when Nokoru had decided the kids were old enough to take part in an administrative body and elect class representatives. It would have been third grade, except that Eriol and Yamazaki had decided that such a system was inherently flawed and done something about it. To be perfectly honest, the teachers were a little uncertain as to why Yuuko and Clow hadn’t changed it in the first place, but then decided that they would probably rather not know.

So it was that the other teachers peeked into the kindergarten class and cringed a little in horror. “It’s going to be a war zone,” Clef warned them in the teacher’s lounge. Presea sat on the chair arm next to him, and rubbed her temples.

“Is it?” Karen asked, arching one perfect eyebrow over her coffee cup. She seemed amused, which was patently wrong. If she really knew them, then she would have been preparing a bomb shelter. Clef opened his mouth to tell her precisely how much of a resounding YES that response warranted, when the door swung open and Caldina danced through in an effortless way.

“Hey, hey!” she called, waving at all the teachers. “I’ve got somethin’ cute to share with ya’ll!”

“This is not a dance floor, Caldina-san,” Clef admonished.

Caldina just grinned at him, and sashayed in place a little. “So, like. I was watching the kids like you asked, and - oh, don’t get your panties in a twist, Clef-san! Like, I wouldn’t leave them unattended! Lafarga is keeping an eye on ‘em - but like. I was watchin’ them, and then out of nowhere little Eagle-kun and Tomoyo-chan are standing, like, in front of me, soooo obviously not havin’ nap time. And then they say - and like, I’m so not lyin’ here! - they say: Caldina-sensei, we’ve, like, deliberated over this issue, and we’ve decided that it would, uh, how’d they put it? Decided that it would be mutually beneficial to all involved if Hikaru-chan and Sakura-chan get to, like, pick what movie we watch today.”

There was silence in the break room.

Then Clef cleared his voice, and while Presea gave everyone a meaningful look, he said, very gravely. “Did they, now.”

“They did!” Caldina replied, grinning. “Why, I thought it was so cute I had ta come and tell ya’ll. And then I asked ‘em how they thought the other kids would feel ‘bout it and they looked at each other, all charmin’ like, and smiled those adorable little smiles, and told me ‘Don’t worry, Caldina-sensei, we’ll handle it.’”

Clef caught Karen’s eyes, wide behind her coffee cup, and said, “It is.” Karen conceded this with a wry nod and a sip of her coffee.

“Thank Mokona Emeraude teaches first grade,” Kusanagi said with a rueful grin. “At least by the time it gets to me they should have worked out a system, right?”

Clef gave him a look cultivated out of exasperated, rumpled trauma accumulated via past experience. “You can but hope,” he told his fellow teacher. “And you can but pray. And that, I’m afraid, is all you can do. They will use Hikaru-chan and Sakura-chan as their PRs, mark my words!”

Next to Kusanagi, Yuzuriha was looking very, very pale.

theme: school politics, ficlet, characters: teachers, author: reversedhymnal

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