Much Safer.

Dec 02, 2007 00:10

Title: Much Safer.
Characters: Ashura, Yasha, Taishakuten, 'Shuu' (which is to say, Ashura-ou)
Rating: PG for teasing.
Summary: The thing is, Ashura is hungry so he can't wait outside forever.

The thing is, he's hungry, so he can't wait forever outside. Ashura sighs and crosses his arms and glares at the bikes in front of his house that inform him that yes, niisan is inside so that means that dinner's ready even if the lack of car means his mom went to her job already... but that also informs him that stupid, stupid Taishakuten is inside, too.

“I can go with you,” Yasha offers, a deep frown in his face that is just adorably cute. Ashura giggles and hugs the boy and shakes his head.

“That's okay,” he answers before he stands up. He should've changed out from his dancing outfit, but he had wanted his mom and Shuu-nii to see what Caldina-sensei had made up for him and Nakuru-chan “You should go in, your mom's gonna worry.”

“Want to have dinner with us?” Yasha offers even as he stands up. The crown-flower that Ashura put there is askew, so he puts it right again. “Mom won't mind.”

Ashura considers it for a moment before he shakes his head no. “It's my turn to do the dishes and if I'm late, I'll have to do them this Saturday.”

“Then, I'll help you with that!”

Yasha looks so adorably concerned that Ashura has to laugh again as he shakes his head, wisps of his ponytail brushing the back of his neck as he does so, the necklace making chiming noises the same way that the bangles around his wrists and ankles do. He holds Yasha's hand and that, at least, stops him from pouting.

“We'll play later, alright? I'll finish my homework and my chores real fast and then I'll ask niisan if I can go and play with you for a while.”

With that, Yasha even smiles a little as he nods and hurries to the house next door. Ashura waves him goodbye before he sighs and straightens his backpack. There's no use in wishing he had worn a jacket and he likes his dancing outfit and, just like Nakuru-chan and Caldina-sensei had said, they looked great.

Still, he opens the door as slowly as he can, making sure to close it just as slowly. He can hear voices over the kitchen, which means that the living room must be free and if it's free it means that he can run to his room and change and --


“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

He struggles as strong arms wrap around his waist and lift him easily, pushing him unto the couch and stupid, mean Taishakuten is heavy and he is smirking at him and if he could, he'd kick him hard, let him be niisan's best friend or not.


“Don't you look pretty, though?” Taishakuten is still smirking and Ashura glares even more, struggles to get free even more.


“Ten,” even if his brother has a shitty taste in best friends, Ashura still loves him completely when he appears on the door, half glaring to Taishakuten even with the smile over his lips. “Stop teasing my little brother.”

“I wouldn't dare,” the idiot says, letting him go and Ashura scrambles to his feet, and if his costume is ruined, he'll yank hard on his hair. “Now, your little sister...”

“IDIOT!” he finally kicks Taishakuten as he wanted and he ignores Shuu calling him as he runs towards the stairs and slams his door real hard.

Next time, he'll just accept Yasha's offer for dinner. Much safer.

character: ashura, character: yasha, author: allira_dream, ficlet, character: taishakuten, character: ashura-ou(shuu)

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