{Fic} Nap Time

Oct 30, 2007 13:19

Title: Nap Time
Characters: Lantis/Hikaru/Eagle, Zagato
Rating: G
Summary: Lantis and Eagle never quite outgrew nap time.
Notes: Future Fic, set when the kids are in 6th grade.

Lantis and Eagle never quite outgrew nap time. Most normal sixth graders (though their class had never been referred to as ‘normal’) wanted nothing to do with anything even remotely reminiscent of childhood, as if by rejecting the childish they somehow proved themselves. Neither Eagle nor Lantis had anything to prove however, not when it was so well known that Eagle and Tomoyo-chan controlled the school. So whenever there was a warm patch of sunlight to curl up in and a nice mossy tree to lean against, the decision between naptime and gym class was pretty much a forgone conclusion.

Since Hikaru was one of the class representatives, it often fell to her to locate any wayward students. This was doubly true whenever Lantis and Eagle were concerned since the general consensus among the staff was that she was the only one likely to be able to convince them to do anything they didn’t want to do. This is why Hikaru was spending her gym period wandering around behind the school, looking for her friends.

She found them where she had expected to, underneath the big, old mossy oak tree, hidden from plain view by the dips and small hills of the meadow. They were leaning back against the tree, Eagle’s head resting against Lantis’s shoulder. Their eyes were closed and their breathing deep and even. They looked so peaceful that Hikaru hated to disturb them. Still, she did have a duty as a class representative.

“Eagle?” She whispered, “Lantis?” She stepped closer to them. “Ummm, you really need to wake up now.” One step closer and two arms shot out, each grabbing a wrist. A tug from Eagle and Lantis sent her sprawling on top of them. She tried to right herself but only managed to turn herself around before the same two arms, one from either side, snaked around her waist and held her in place. Hikaru took stock of her situation; she was currently sitting on Lantis’s lap, leaning back against Eagle and it didn’t look like either was going to let her go any time soon.

“We have to get back to class.” If she couldn’t escape she would have to try reasoning with them. “Lafarga-sensei sent me to find you.”

“But it’s so much nicer out here. Don’t you agree, Lantis?”

Lantis ‘mmmmed’ his agreement.

It really was a beautiful day. One of those warm, lazy spring days when the birds are singing and you just want to soak up the sun. But still, Hikaru had her duty as a class representative. “But you can’t cut class.”

“We’ll get a note.” Eagle snuggled into Lantis’s shoulder.

“I can’t cut class. I’m one of the representatives.”

Eagle pondered this for a moment. “Unfortunately, now that you’ve found us, we can’t let you go. It could give away our position. What do you think, Lantis?”

Lantis nodded. “No choice but to kidnap her. She can’t be blamed if she was kidnapped.” He tightened his arm around her waist.

“Don’t worry,” Eagle whispered in her ear, “just relax.”

The air was so still and peaceful and Lantis and Eagle’s arms were a warm, comforting weight across her middle. Hikaru felt herself relaxing against them. It became harder to keep her eyes open. “Just for a minute.”

Eagle hummed agreement.

It really was nice to just snuggle here and listen to the birds. Her eyes closed and she drifted off until the bell for the next class woke them up.


Zagato stared at the two miscreants in front of him, then down to the note on his desk. Eagle had just finished his argument on the dangers of being overtired and its effects on in-class performance which Zagato rightly took as a threat that if he didn’t sign the note, they would blow up the chemistry room. If it was just Eagle he could have handled it. He was the second teacher to survive Yuuko and Clow after all. But Lantis was there, standing slightly behind Eagle, not saying anything just giving him that look. The one that said “I know you skipped out on recess duty to make out with Emeraude-sensei yesterday, so you can’t scold me for cutting class.” Zagato sighed and tried to remember why he had assured Nakuro-san that no of course it wouldn’t be a problem for him having his younger brother in his class. Probably had something to do with Emeraude having no trouble at all with Ferio.

He grabbed the note and glared at the two boys. “Do not get used to this.” He scribbled his signature and shoved it back at them. “And you better not do anything else that might get Hikaru-chan in trouble.”

Eagle and Lantis nodded solemnly and assured him that of course they wouldn’t. Zagato didn’t believe it for a second. Perhaps it was time to see if Clef was willing to share his aspirin.          

character: eagle, author: ldydragon7, character: hikaru, pairing: eagle/hikaru/lantis, ficlet, character: zagato, character: lantis

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