Ficlets - Five times.

Oct 01, 2007 14:04

I had a 'Five things' meme over my journal last weekend and there were a few of Therapy's ficlets, so I thought about crossposting them here, too!

Five times Tomoyo has used Sakura's influence for evil purposes.

1. And Clow-sempai smiles, gifting Sakura-chan a flower. "Of course. I'll be glad to help the kindergarten with their project, Sakura-chan. I'll stop by during recess."

2. Both Sakura-chan and Hikaru-chan were giving Bambi a run for their money. Clef gulped and searched for help but he was alone. Even knowing that Eagle and Tomoyo were behind it...

"Okay," Clef admitted his defeat with a sigh. He needed some aspirin. "Ten more minutes to play."

3. Syaoran sighed as Tomoyo-san and Hokuto-san rolled more pink fabric around him, both girls giggling, and he knew that Xiao-chan was going to tease him forever... but Sakura-chan's eyes were so wide and she was giving him such a pretty, expectant smile...

4. Nokoru's fan showed a message of 'Springtime means fun and flowers!' and Clef's eyebrow started twitching way before Presea handed him his tea. The principal had Sakura-chan perched over his shoulders and Hikaru chan over one arm.

"And these little ladies gave me the perfect idea about having a picnic!"

Eagle and Tomoyo shared a smile.

5. "I just don't know how you did it," Sorata said, amazed. "Your recollection beat the pants out of the whole school."

"I know," Clef said, accepting the water and aspirins that Presea handed him.

She nodded, sitting by his side. "I want to see who's brave or mean enough to say no to our girls when they're asking something."

She was feeling perhaps a little proud. Not that she'd ever say so, of course.


Five cute instances Tomoyo caught Xiao Lang and Fai on camera

1. 6 years old - Halloween party!

Of course Sakura-chan and Hikaru-chan had been the cutest on their cat costumes, but catching Fai tying a bow over Xiao-puppy's costume tail had been almost as cute.

2. 8 years old - school trip.

Tomoyo didn't quite fall asleep. She just waited until Sorata-sensei and Arashi-sensei were sleeping before she tiptoed over the bus, taking some pictures as a souvenir. Eagle opened one eye from the back of the bus and smiled at her, waving his fingers a little from the tangle of Lantis-Geo-Hikaru-chan-him where he was before snuggling right back against them. And last thing she had known, Yuui-chan and Fai-kun had been sitting together, same with Xiao-kun and Syaoran-chan, but now Yuui had tangled himself around Kurogane-kun, who seemed resigned yet kind of very not minding, and Sakura-chan was snuglging against Syaoran's lap, the boy not even noticing the picture she took as he was gently caressing Sakura's hair, so that meant...

Aha. Right behind them, Fai and Xiao were sleeping, heads bent together.

3. 11 years old, with no date whatsoever where to hind behind.

Xiao rubs the back of his head and hands Fai the CD. "You liked it, right?"

Fai blinks, bright blue eyes confused for a moment before he smiles gently, beaming. "Thank you, Xiao-kun!"

They don't ever hear the snap of the camera.

4. Fourteen years old, Hokuto-chan's (and Subaru-kun's) Fantabulastic Birthday Partay!!!!!!

"I don't dance," Xiao says, a little too close to panicking. His brother is already making a fool of himself with Sakura-chan, and since Kurogane yelled a NO and went to sit down, Yuui has been taking almost every girl - and boy who has agreed: he has danced twice with Eagle already and once with Clow-senpai - to dance.

Fai tilts his head and then holds both of Xiao's hands, dragging him towards a less center-stage area.

"Awww, I'm sure you do dance, Xiao."

It's a good thing that Hokuto-chan let her put cameras all over the place, Tomoyo thinks. That's for sure.

5. Fifteen years old.

It's quiet and hot, summer heavy over them and Tomoyo is ever so glad of having a pool where she can ask her friends to spend some time.

She leaves most of her classmates playing there as she goes for another hat, not willing to burn herself, pausing only a moment when she thinks she saw... ah, yes, there. She's seen Sakura-chan a thousand times like this with Syaoran-kun, even caught Yuui and Kurogane like this a few times. But this time is ever-so-shy Xiao with Fai's head on his lap, Fai's gentle face calm, breathing in and out slowly. Xiao isn't quite petting him, for all that he has the sweetest smile Tomoyo has seen on his face for a while.

She leaves without making a noise, smiling to herself.

God bless survilance.


Five times Yuui and Kurogane almost kissed.

1. "It's a birthday tradition, Kuro-pon!" Yuui insists, pointing towards Fai, who's getting a kiss from Umi-chan for their birthday. "Seeeeeeee?"

2. "I'll be the princess!" Yuui says with a wide, happy grin that only grows as the girls giggle and ask to be his maids. Kurogane searches for a place to hide because he knows where this is going and it's the Sleeping Beauty and if Hikaru and Sakura decide that Yuui SHOULD be the princess, he's doomed.

3. "But it huuuuuurts, Kuro-meanie!" Yuui says and he might be actually being honest 'cause he has tears in his eyes and he's holding his knee and Kurogane looks around because he knows what his mom does when he's hurt and. UM.

4. "MISTLETOE!" Primera jumps up and down, giggling as she points towards Presea-sensei and Clef-sensei, just to then ran towards Lantis and start pulling him towards the door, while Lantis looks with something almost like panic towards Eagle, who just waves.

"Ohhhh, Kuro-tamaaaaa~" Kurogane opens his eyes wide and he sees Yuui grinning, a twig of mistletoe in his hand.

He runs.

5. Before he knows what's happening, Yuui is smacking a big, wet kiss on his cheek. Kurogane blinks and he's about to yell when he sees that Yuui isn't grinning or otherwise making fun of him. Instead, Yuui touches his cast and says softly:

"So you get better soon, Kuro-chii."

author: allira_dream, character: sakura, character: tomoyo, pairing: xiao lang/fai, pairing: kurogane/yuui

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