Oh snap! I hate missing my eyes!

Apr 05, 2008 21:18

Name/Nicknames:  Janet/Jae
Age:  26
Birthdate: 8/15
Height:  5'3

Likes:  astrlogy/numerology, my pets , Hot Topic
Dislikes:  loud people, close minded people
Hobbies & Talents: singing,writing,drawing
Strong Points:  ceative,bright , nurturing
Weak Points:  stubborn ,snarky ,selfish
Fears: death
Dreams and aspirations:  to be a professional singer..no 9-5 job for me.

Favorite animal: dog
Your favorite book or movie, and why: Twilight & movie: Enchanted
A favorite quote or song lyric:  " I've got a head for business ,and a bod for sin." - Working Girl

What you want to do for a living:  songwriting and singing

Favorite Clamp Character? Why?: Yūko Ichihara , she's sexy and smart . I love her power and she's bright.
Least favorite Clamp character? Why?: Kurogane  He's such a self serving jerk. Ugh. Totally Alpha male too.
Favorite Clamp pairing and why?  Wantanuki & Ichihara ,they're meant to be they just don't know it
You find the journal of one of your friends that was left at your house. What do you do?:
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?: The power to heal. I have many illnesses and if I could stop even 1 person of knowing the daily pain I'm in I would love that.
If you were stuck on a desert island and could pick five things to bring, what would they be?: a long fantasy book , a laptop (which oddly I would use to visit LJ not get help,lol) , a cook , my dog , sunscreen
Likewise, if you could have one Clamp character with you on the desert island, who would it be?: Watanuki ,he's proven himself a useful slave and I think I could tolerate him for more than an hour ( I get ansty & need to be alone after a whie when I'm around people)

Anything else?: Nope.
Clamp series you know: Tsubasa Chronicles, Card Captor Sakura, XXXHolic.
Any special requests? Nope.
Because the mods are curious, where did you hear about us?:  stamping_comms

Pictures and/or Describe Yourself: dark brown hair & eyes. Petite & curvy. small lips. I love my eyes ,they've been called mysterious alot. I hate my long nose.

needs stamp

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