Missing Eyes? O_o

Mar 10, 2008 14:59

Name/Nicknames: Contra
Age: 16 going on 17
Birthdate: 30th July
Height: Short. That's basically all you need to know. -_______-

Likes: Reading, writing, drawing, singing, playing the piano, listening to music, Photoshopping, debating (though people call it arguing or picking a fight. I don't! I swear), role-playing, logical people, video games with good graphics, anime, manga

Dislikes: Bad weather, too much snow, people who don't get angry when YOU get angry, whiners, PATHETIC whiners, crybabies, people with no spine, people who agree all the time, rude people, homophobes, closed-minded people, extremely fake machismo, being sick, stupid people

Hobbies & Talents: Most of my hobbies are in the "Likes" section, so I don't think I'll really have to write them again, just to save you the trouble of reading the same thing over again. I also like playing video games as well as Dance Dance Revolution. I think I'm a fairly good writer and artist, though. And I'm the best cook in my family next to my parents, but that's not really saying a lot. >_>

Strong Points: I'm polite to a majority of people. If I know them really well, I can tend to be quite, y'know, rude, but people accept it because by then, they know that's what I'm like. I have a great deal of common sense and I rarely ever do anything without thinking. I can also hold in my emotions well and I don't base my actions off of them. I think I'm generous, and I tend to lend people a lot of my things. I'm fairly intelligent in terms of general knowledge and I'm generally very open-minded about situations. I'm also sarcastic and have a good sense of humour. I THINK I'm creative, but I'm not really sure. Creativity is such a hard thing to define. I'm very honest to people, though I guess this could be a bit of a bad thing too.

Weak Points: This might sound horribly cliche, but I don't really allow myself to feel. I prefer not to get too close to something so that when/if it gets taken away from me, then I won't feel too bad about it. This can be in terms of items or sometimes even people. I'm generally very shy around people I don't really know, and so they tend to leave me alone because they think I'm uninteresting or something. I'm a terrible procrastinator and have an even worse memory. I also have a bad tendency to spend money like water. I'm a little gullible and also a little naive, but not to the point of stupidity.

Fears: For physical fears, I hate heights, spiders, insects, splinters and I'm also a hypochondriac. I'm also terribly frightened of the people I love not accepting me for who I am.

Dreams and aspirations: I basically just want to live my life. My parents are a little controlling, so I've never really been able to pursue whatever I wanted to. I also want a HAPPY life, something that I can look back on and say, "Yeah, my life wasn't so bad." I would also like to become extremely rich and famous as either an artist, singer, writer or graphics designer. XD

Favorite animal: I'm not really a big fan of animals...

Your favorite book or movie, and why: My favourite book is definitely Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It's a perfect mix. ^_^

A favorite quote or song lyric: Give a man fire and he's warm for a day; set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life. ~ Terry Pratchett, Jingo

What you want to do for a living: I would like to do something creative. I would like to be a comic artist or an illustrator, but I know those aren't very realistic and there's no guarantee that I would be able to live off of it, so I would like to be a graphics designer.

Favorite Clamp Character? Why?: My favourite CLAMP character would probably have to be Yuuko from XXXHolic. She's just so manipulative and she's fun, though she has a serious side to her too.

Least favorite Clamp character? Why? Ooh, tough one. There are quite a few. I think Sakura from Card Captor Sakura would be my least favourite. She's irritating a majority of the time with her LOUD perkiness and the fact that everyone loves her just makes me want to hate her.

Favorite Clamp pairing and why? Fye/Fai and Kurogane- There is the chemistry; there is the fluff. Fye's all happy-like and Kurogane's all "". It was kind of typical at first. I like how they support each other. It was always Fye helping Kurogane in the beginning, but in recent developments, it's the other way around.

You find the journal of one of your friends that was left at your house. What do you do?: I would probably flip through it. If it were boring, then I wouldn't read anymore. If it were interesting... well, what she/he doesn't know can't hurt, right? >_>

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?: Teleportationnnn. Imagine: You wouldn't have to rush off anywhere again. And for me, who is generally always late for SOMETHING, this would be the ultimate power.

If you were stuck on a desert island and could pick five things to bring, what would they be?: Food, water, a large box filled with boxes of matches (I don't know how to use a lighter), a cell phone (if there were reception so I could call for help) and clothes

Likewise, if you could have one Clamp character with you on the desert island, who would it be?: I think it would have to be either one of the Mokona's, since they can pretty much send each other things from whereever the other one is. Assuming that the other one ISN'T trapped on a desert island, then they would be able to send whatever else provisions that would be needed, or there would be some communication and one or the other would be able to call for help.

Anything else?: Nothing that I can think of.

Clamp series you know: Suki Dakara Suki, Chobits, Shirahime Syou, The Legend of Chun Hyang, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, XXXHolic, Card Captor Sakura. I've heard of a lot of CLAMP series, like X/1999, RG Verda, Wish etc., but I've never really read them.

Any special requests? Nope

Because the mods are curious, where did you hear about us?: I think my sister was a part of this community once.

Pictures and/or Describe Yourself: I'm guessing this is based on looks. I have long black hair (not dyed) that just goes past my shoulder blades. I'm short and kind of stubby. I'm not very thin, but I'm not exactly fat either. I think the term would be big-boned or stocky. I have dark brown eyes and I wear glasses too. I don't really have a tendency to dress-up, and I think comfort is more important than looking good, though it's a plus if what you're wearing is both.

doumeki, xxxholic

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