What? My eyes aren't missing?

Oct 17, 2007 23:12

I was stamped back as Kurogane and I wanted to see if I changed any or something like that and there was only 5 people to vote for right now...

Name/Nicknames: Name: Sephira-Nicknames: Sephira-san, Seph, Princess Pretty-Pretty, Kyo, Hisoka, Muraki, Sanzo, Windexdor, Hope-Daughter of Satan/Sister of Damien, Galaxnia Queen of the Pod People, Trouble
Age: 30
Birthdate: Sept. 5
Height: 5'0

Likes: anime, manga, vampires, glittery stuff, cats, haunted houses, spooky things, ghosts, witches, ghouls, reincarnation, Egyptian stuff, collecting Princess stuff, stuffed animals with states on them, cool looking lighters, stuff with cats, stuff with cows Motorcycles, speed {as in how fast motorcycles and cars go}, fire, guns, cold-hearted/broken/evil/sadistic/maschoist characters, J-Rock music, J-Pop, Gackt, Dir en grey, Malice Mizer, Utada Hikaru, Nana Kitade, Mika Nakashima, Hyde, plushies of my fave anime characters, cows, cats, RPing, games, Japan, Japanese stuff, samurai stuff, ninja stuff, R.L. Stine
Dislikes: smokers {but i seem to be attracted to them}, my brother {Yes, I truly hate him and no it's not the sibling rivalry thing}, girls who act way too girly/hyper/bouncy, girls who dress slutty, my ex-boyfriend, being touched, people looking at me, people being near me, small spaces {I'm claustopjobic}, hospitals, needles, big crowds, loud noises, dogs {I really can't stand em}, guys who think they god's gift to women, liars, racists, idiots, ignorance {that probably counts with idiot}, fish, any sea food, being half deaf, I dislike a lot of stuff as I've been told I hate everything and I hate the people who think they are always right, love {how pathetic is that...Who really needs the heartbreak}, romance {I hate that}, being nice {I extremely hate being nice, it actually makes me sick for real}
Hobbies & Talents: Writing, singing, soundling like a goose, wiggle ears and eyebrows
Strong Points: Creative, strong-willed, Loyal {Well from what I've heard and only to one person}, Brutually honest, realist-dreamer, modest
Weak Points: being half deaf, being short, mood swings {I can be calm one second the next I'm angry or cold-hearted}, claustophobic, opinonated, doesn't think before speaking, stubborn
Fears: Deathly afraid of heights, death, the dark
Dreams and aspirations: To become a young adult author {like my idol R.L. Stine} or a manga creator and I wanna learn how to speak Japanese

Favorite animal: Cats & Cows
Your favorite book or movie, and why: This is tough, coz, I am a big R.L. Stine fan. But however I loved the books Dangerous Girls, Tatse of Night: Dangerous Girls 2, Goodnight Kiss 1 & 2, New Year's Eve Party, The Thrill Club, The Cat, Halloween Party, Fear Street 99 and many others by R.L. Stine, he's just a wondeful writer. I love how he can write scary and creepy, his vampires are just so freakin' awesome and he's just so talented. I especially love how he wrote the Character, Nikki, I think her name was in a book, coz, she's completely deaf in both ears and it really touched me, because I am half deaf and currently having problems with my right ear {I'm completely deaf in my left ear}
A favorite quote or song lyric: Ladies and gentlemen listen up please
I don't want to be your hero
(No, I am not open parts of me are broken)
Do yourself a favor
Save yourself
Don't pick me find someone else
(Why'd you want to bother find yourself another)~Hero by: Darren Hayes
zawameku kokoro no koe ni mimi o sumashi, "ittai nanno tame ni umaretekita no ka..."
sou, toikaketa~ Menaing "I listen closely to the voice of my troubled heart, "What in the world was I born to do...", Yes, it's asking~From Fragrance by: Gackt
uchiakerarenai dare mo shinjirarenai dare mo kare mo
hora subete mienai sashikonda hikari ga kiete ima ni mo kareru
uchiakerarenai koto wa watashi no yowasa watashi no kako
eru mono mo aru keredo kitto te ni nigiru yasashisa ga kiete yuku to
arifureta kotae wa ikiru koto hakushi ni modoshite umarekawaru."~ Meaning~ "I can't open myself up to anyone I can't believe in anyone at all
and I can't see anything the light that shines is disappearing, soon it will be gone
unable to open myself up this is my weakness, my past
I can get what I want, yet if I do, the kindness I'm holding onto will slip away
the typical answer is when you die, you'll be reborn, come back again."~From Mushi by: Dir en grey

What you want to do for a living: Creating mangas...
Favorite Clamp Character? Why?: Hmmm...That would be Kurogane..I so love him...He's so awesome...Kurogane is just so cool and he's the type of character I so love and Rikuo from Legal Drug, he's awesome and he's also like the characters I absolutely love...
Least favorite Clamp character? Why?: The girls from Card Captor Sakura, they bug me
Favorite Clamp pairing and why? Kurogane & Fai from Tsubasa, because they just fit so well and Rikuo & Kazahaya, they are absolutely so cute together...
You find the journal of one of your friends that was left at your house. What do you do?: Nothing...That is their journal. I wouldn't read theirs if they don't read mine...
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?: Hmmm...Probably to feeze time...Is that a superhero power?
If you were stuck on a desert island and could pick five things to bring, what would they be?: Hmmm...Good question...CD Boombox, batteries, 3 cds of my fave Japanese Rock artists
Likewise, if you could have one Clamp character with you on the desert island, who would it be?: That's tough...But I guess maybe...Kurogane...He'd be cool to hang out with...
Anything else?: I have sevre mood swings, I don't like needles, I hate romance & love, love is just pathetic, you're just gonna end up hurt and you'll end up doing something stupid...I mean come on who really wants to be hurt liek that, huh?...No I'm not lovey doveyI hate smiling, if i haven't said it I hate people, I hate them near me, I hate them looking at me, I don't like to be touched and I don't like being bothered...I'm a big anime/manga freak, those keep me happy, oh I pretend to be happy {I'm not that happy}, I hate being nice to people, you know how they say being nice won't kill you? That's wrong, coz, when I am nice to people I actually get sick...I don't easily trust people and I don't believe in people. I have no sense of humor...I really lack that, I can't tell when people are joking with me and I have a little bit of sarcaism...I can easily use people, so therefore I cannot become attached to anyone, I can do without emotions, I severely dislike saying Good morning, I love you, Thank you, Your welcome and everything else...I could so go without saying those...
Clamp series you know: Legal Drug, Tsubasa, Card Captor Sakura {I'm still kinda new with it} and XXXHolic I'm still kinda new with too...
Any special requests? From Card Captor Sakura I don't like all the girls, that includes Sonomi, Meiling, Sakura and any other female in Card Captor Sakura...This maybe a bit too late, but I know I'm like Kurogane and I was kinda hoping for a new character stamp, but if not it's cool...
Because the mods are curious, where did you hear about us?: I'm a member

Pictures and/or Describe Yourself:

Taken Sept. 8

Taken August, 5: This was when I met my online friend arizonaicerose for the first time. I'm the one in the pink glasses, dark hair, the black shirt that says S.K.I.N.

ccs, yue

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