First, just a quick reminder that I'd very much like to hear from the Canadian fanbook participants, just to make sure everyone knows how to contact me - a quick post
to this entry would be just fine.
Now, on to the main reason for this post.
This year, I'll be at Anime North (For the first time, I'm so excited~!). I'll be in cosplay - CLAMP cosplay, as Tsubasa!Sakura. If anyone else is going to be there in CLAMP attire, I would be thrilled if a photo shoot could be set up. If anyone else is interested, or if someone else has already plotted this, a comment here would be much appreciated!
Thanks, and hope to see my fellow CLAMP fans at con~!
Edit - I've made a forum post on this topic in the Anime North forums. Feel free to check it out, or to point anyone you know who's cosplaying a CLAMP character that way! Post is