Mid-April CLAMP-NET update...very little news...
Kobato ~ [Newtype - monthly chapters]
June 1~ Kobato will appear in
Newtype USA! with an interview.
break 5/10
Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- ~ [Shonen Magazine - weekly chapters]
April 17: Tsubasa art collection -ALBuM De REProDUCTioNS-
June 15: Volume 19
break 5/16
xxxHOLiC ~ [Young Magazine - weekly chapters]
May 17: Volume 11
PS2 gamebreak 5/7
*check out the previous post for clearer, larger images.
May 25: Clover music video
DVDMay 25: Cardcaptor Sakura The Movie Collection
DVD June: 3rd set of
CLAMP in 3-D Land figures.
Code Geass ~ a few releases mentioned at CLAMP-NET
April 25: Vol 4 will contain a small comic by CLAMP
July 27: Vol 7 will contain a small comic by CLAMP
September 28: Vol 9 will contain a shitajiki and box illustrated by CLAMP
There are also new illustration goods and such at
CLAMP-NET...check out the "new" links.