Extension and An Important Announcement

Aug 07, 2006 17:38

Hey, hello. ^_^ First of all, I’d like to apologize for the recent lack of activity here, especially if it made it seem like I’ve forgotten this place or something. I was busier than usual and I had a lot of things on my mind this past week that I couldn’t get myself to focus on the things I should be doing here.

That said, the current challenge, Science is extended for another week. Only 2 members have submitted their wonderful work so it’d be really nice to see much more entries. The submission post is located in this link. Each member may submit up to 2 icons. The deadline is now this Saturday, August 12 at 12 noon (GMT).

This is also to announce that after thinking about it a lot, I’ve decided to close this icontest. There are many reasons for this, some of which are personal, but mostly it’s because participation here has always been so small, it never really improved and lately it has gotten tremendously low. Because not only would it be bothersome for everyone, it’d be quite hypocritical of me if I forced things, I think it’s best to discontinue instead.

However, I hope we could at least let this icontest reach Week 40? Just to end it with a nice even number like that. So after the current challenge, Week 39~Science, I’ll post one last challenge as a way to wrap things up as neatly as possible. Okay? Okay! ~_^

extension, week 39

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