Vote: Tiebreaker

Feb 02, 2006 15:52

After finally having a chance to sit down and finish/check the vote tally, I realized we ended up with a three-way-tie for third place. As is the policy of this community we must hold a tiebreaker, though granted a lot later than we usually do. The icon with the most votes at the end will receive third place, the remaining icons will receive honourable mentions but no banners. All the winners will be announced together as we normally do.

The iconmakers in question are not expected to vote since they cannot vote for themselves, but I'd ask anyone else available to please do so. Also if the iconmakers in question could avoid posting their icons publically until we get this settled, I'd appreciate it.

That said, please choose one of the three icons shown below, the one that is your favourite overall. Then simply leave a comment with the number of your selection to this post, all comments are screened.

- 01 -

- 02 -

- 03 -

Voting usually lasts around 12 hours, but I'm probably not going to be awake at that time, so I'll close voting and announce the winners Friday morning when I wake up.

Thank in advance for your cooperation. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and for the further delay. I realize the timing is rather awkward, but this is the only fair way to deal with it espsecially since this is what we've always done in the past and what the polls said people prefered. I wish I had noticed the tie earlier, but these sort of things tend to happen at the last minute as voting closes. Just my luck this would happen in a week where my conflicting schedules and other obligations would keep me from counting/posting earlier :P

P.S. In the meantime feel free to submit an icon via the original post. The theme is a lyrical challenge, the song Millennium by Robbie Williams.
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