Results: Week 420 (Rumble Round 3)

Jun 05, 2014 07:38

The tie is now broken and Round 3 is finally over ^^' thanks to everyone that took the time to vote! Here is our next winner, but before we get to that here are the ways that these final points were awarded:

For every vote your icon received

If your icon won First Place; there are no other placements due to the amount of participants



RUNNER-UPS (view the icons)

CURRENT RANKING ORDER ( points allocation)

40 points

31 points

25 points

24 points

If you would like to have your comments/critiques, please leave a screened comment here specifically asking for them: screened or unscreened and I will reply as you have requested (probably not until tomorrow evening though); make sure to have your email notification turned on if you asked for screened.

Banners for placing icons will be made and presented along with the final winner and participation banners, at the end of the rumble.

If you are a member of tcg_exchange then don't forget to claim your cards over here for participating this week! More information is provided in that post.

Round 4 is now up, so participants check it out and get icon-making! It's the last round of our rumble, so make it count XD

week 420, results

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