Week 322 is behind us, thanks to all those who submitted these lovely icons and/or took the time to cast your vote! A wonderful job by everyone but special congratulations to this week's winners:
lu_hesperia SECOND PLACE
whitelilies22 THIRD PLACE (TIE)
criminalqueen -
meganslost4 Note: There will be no Moderator's Choice this week due to the limited number of entries left after the tie
view the icons)
If you have placed (1st, 2nd, 3rd or MC) this week and would like a banner, please go to
custom_banners or
cb_overflow and request one, as this community no longer maintains a staff of bannermakers.
If you are a member of
tcg_exchange then don't forget to claim your cards over
here for participating this week! More information is provided in that post.
Week 323's challenge has already been posted, there are three themes to choose from and more information is available at the submission post. Remember your icon(s) is/are due by Friday, Apil 22nd at 10:00 PM EST.