Winners: Insanity

May 08, 2006 23:15

Thanks to all those who submitted these lovely icons and/or took the time to cast your vote. Also thanks to those of you that took the additional time to vote in the tiebreaker round. A wonderful job by everyone but a special congratulations to this week's winners:

Best Overall: First Place

/ anty_ {Kamui from X/1999}

Best Overall: Second Place

/ m1ch1ru {Kotori from X/1999}

Best Overall: Third Place

/ shadowvitani {Sakura & Meilin from Cardcaptor Sakura}

Special Category: Best Adaptation

/ mijomuffins {Fuu, Umi & Mokona from Magic Knights Rayearth}


Special Category: Honourable Mentions
(only the winners receive banners, but they deserve mentioning for making it to the tiebreaker round)

/ plafulmispeling {Ashura from RG Veda}

/ quietisrafel {Kamui from X/1999}


Best Overall: Runner-Ups ( view the icons)

09, 10

Special Category: Runner-Ups ( view the icons)

01, 10
02, 05, 06, 09

kikachan is the bannermaker this week and will have them up as soon as she am able to. Remember, the banner rotation schedule is there for your convenience. plafulmispeling and silverqe, I understand you're both probably quite busy but don't forget that you each still owe two banner sets, if you need assistance please just let me know. If you're looking for past banner posts, they're all archived in the memories. Please be sure to leave a comment when you have claimed yours.

This week's challenge has already been posted, the theme is Facial Close-Up. More information is available at the original post. Remember your icon is due by Saturday, May 13th at 8:00 am EST in the morning.


Affiliate Plug: furuba_chorus - an icontest dedicated to icons featuring imagery from the series Fruits Basket/Furuba along with the provided lyrics
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