Just a heads up. It turns out I will not be around to make the voting post tommorrow morning. Long story short, I got called in at the last minute to work this evening and they decided they want me back tommorrow bright and early to help prepare for some important store visit we're expecting. I should be back at home sometime in the afternoon but they were a bit vague on the hours so I'm not sure when exactly that will be.
To make it easier on everyone I'll be postponing the submission deadline an additional twelve hours, so until Saturday April 8th at 8:00 pm EST in the evening. The voting post will go up sometime after then depending on how quickly I can put it together. Please feel free to submit any last minute entries to
the original post up until that time. As long as you get them in before the voting posts goes up, your icon will be included.
I apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause you. This has all been a bit sudden, I wasn't expecting to be scheduled to work tommorrow but it's not wise to turn down extra shifts during this slow time of the year. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
And now I'm off to bed since I have to wake up early...