Week 80: Challenge
*headdesk* So I went through all the entries again, but I've wisened up -- and I made myself a list of all the themes we've done 8D! This shall be much easier next time, I hope. XD; So I bring you a theme now! Characters With Long Hair! >D CLAMP have many many many pretty people with looooong, flowing hair -- so this should be easy. Tomoyo, Hatoko, Chii... Do I need to list any more? :)
This is a textless icon challenge, so there must be no text, tiny text, legible or otherwise, or anything that could be seen as text on your icon; it is a CLAMP challenge, so please only CLAMP images; and it must be within LiveJournal's icon requirements: nothing bigger than 100 pixels either side, and it must be less than 40 KB and saved as .png, .gif, or .jpg. Comments will be screened to preserve anonymity. Do not display your icon anywhere else until the results are unveiled. Please see the userinfo for more rules. Submit [up to two] icons like this:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/Sorrowneptune/sohiblue.pngCharacter/Series: Sohi of X/1999
You have until Friday the 30th March, 9 PM EST, to concoct some eye candy, so have fun! :D I think
nocturnelorelei will have to post the voting though, 'cause I'm going away!
Side note: comments weren't screening in the last entry, and since I couldn't permanently change that, I remade the entry. Please resubmit, if you already did.