Aug 08, 2008 21:18
Dan, to put a positive spin on it, has been getting a lot of father-sons bonding time lately, and tomorrow looks like another stint. I'll be in the North Bend Mt. Si parade with part of my belly dance troupe; the parade is at 10:30a, and there's a performance at 3-something. Current theory is we'll all go early to get me there in time for the parade, then post parade we'll hit lunch, the kids bouncy area & send Dan & both boys home. I'll catch a ride home with someone else from belly dance.
I recently got Isis wings [see YouTube or Google] in transparent purple [read fairy princess lavender], to complete the costume, I've made a decent pair of grey harem pants in some satiny machine wash & dry clearance material, and a truly pathetic 3/4 sleeve top from lavender stretch velvet. [Way too loose, sleeves are on wonky, front neckline too high, back bottom edge rides up, etc.] The top's good enough for practice or a parade, but I'll probably replace it at my next opportunity for buying a full coverage top I can try on. [Nursing bras & belly dance tops generally don't mix well.] It looks good with the wings, but without wings, I'm close to loosing it from an overload of sparkly fairy princess lavender.
Side note on wings: the batch our class [I'd say troupe if I were part of it] ordered came with dark rods in the translucent wings. The effect is distracting & a bit ugly, so if this happens to you, go replace them with clear plastic rods / tubes. I got new clear ones at Tap plastics for about $5, cut to length.
isis wings