Oct 03, 2034 10:59
i'm in rhode island. and i need to start writing more. so i think i'm going to start livejournaling more.
i love eating carrots. i used to not really like 'em that much, but i started eating them when i was trying to lose weight. now i eat them all the time. the thing i like most about them is that they don't have much flavor, but they're so fucking crunchy!
i've been in rhode island for just about one month now. it's funny how it was just a couple months ago that i was living in oldsmar, hatin' life, and i had no idea what i was doing. now, i think things would be better if beverly were here too, but she will be soon enough.
reflecting on what i've written so far, it makes me think of this episode of scientific american frontiers that i saw while i was unpacking. it was about interactive computer programs/robots. the one ai program that alan alda was talking to was asking him all these questions about his trip to the lab, and the weather.. it was making small talk because people feel more comfortable when they've had small talk first. to loosen them up. but it's like i was having small talk with myself about carrots before i could start unloading that stuff about life. all that bullshit. i need to start being more manly. and i need to start playing more music.
man i'm so needy. at least i have awesome hair. (so much for being manly, i guess)
my number 7 toy is on my desk. i have him dancing with batman begins batman. they both look so angry about it.. it's like somebody has forced them to mambo with each other. i think eachother should be one word.
alright, i'm going to try and do some work writing.