The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly has articles on some of my favorite subjects: vampires and kittehs.
The first one explores the recent vampire surge in pop culture with Q and A from some vampy authors (Stephenie Meyer, Anne Rice, Charlaine Harris, etc.). I'm woefully behind the times with regards to vampires in literature. The last vampire book I read was Anne Rice's Queen of the Damned. Maybe that's what turned me off literary vamps. LOL
With regards to television and movies, I like True Blood on HBO. There's just something about paranormal-supernatural-otherwordly happenings in the South that I find really entertaining in a downhome, quirky way. The writing is smart, and the acting is excellent.
Then there's the list of the twenty greatest vampires. I have no issue with that for the most part. However, I did jot off a strongly worded letter, bringing to their attention a gross injustice on their part. They didn't even give an honorable mention to Barnabas Collins from the campy soap opera Dark Shadows. Do any of you younguns have the faintest notion about that show? It had everything but the kitchen sink in regards to the supernatural: vampires, werewolves, zombies,witches, warlocks, monsters, etc. You get the idea. Tim Burton and Johnny Depp have planned an updated movie version which was supposed to begin filming this summer. Here's a link to a short clip (Barnabas appears early on): Lastly there's a feature about viral cat videos. Seems folks like to see cats on the internet more than any other animals. Why?! Because they're funny and cute! Nuff said.